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Text File | 1990-09-15 | 202.3 KB | 4,322 lines |
- Painless Accounting Version 5.0
- DEFINITION OF SHAREWARE................................ 1
- DISCLAIMER-AGREEMENT................................... 2
- ORDERING............................................... 2
- SUPPORT................................................ 3
- SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS.................................... 3
- INSTALLATION........................................... 3
- OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES................................. 4
- THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW................................. 5
- MULTIPLE COMPANIES..................................... 5
- Accounts File.................................. 6
- Client File.................................... 6
- Service File................................... 7
- Message File................................... 8
- Vendor File.................................... 8
- Product File................................... 9
- Salesman File.................................. 10
- Records - Client
- Add/Edit Client Records................ 10
- Print Client Records................... 10
- Delete Client Records.................. 11
- Reminder Labels........................ 11
- Appointment Schedule........................... 11
- General/ID File................................ 12
- Job File....................................... 14
- Enter/Edit Purchase Order...................... 14
- Enter/Edit Received P.O........................ 16
- Inventory Adjustments.......................... 18
- Print P.O./Received P.O.
- Print Purchase Order................... 19
- Print Received P.O..................... 19
- Print Adjustments.............................. 19
- Print Purchase Journal......................... 19
- Post Received P.O.............................. 19
- Post Adjustments............................... 20
- Bill of Materials
- Print Bill of Material................. 20
- Generate Bill of Materials............. 20
- Enter/Edit Invoices............................ 21
- Invoices - Print............................... 24
- Revenue Journal................................ 24
- Commission Report.............................. 24
- Sales Analysis................................. 24
- Posting Process................................ 25
- Recurring Entries
- Enter/Edit Invoices.................... 25
- Print Recurring Entries................ 26
- Generate Entries....................... 26
- Enter/Edit Transactions........................ 26
- Cash Receipts.................................. 28
- Journals - Print
- Invoices/Transactions.................. 29
- Cash Receipts Journal.................. 30
- Posting Process................................ 30
- Recurring Entries
- Enter/Edit Transactions................ 30
- Print Recurring Entries................ 31
- Generate Entries....................... 31
- Generate Finance Charges....................... 31
- Enter/Edit Transactions........................ 31
- Cash Payments.................................. 33
- Direct Check Writing........................... 34
- Journals - Print
- Invoices/Transactions.................. 35
- Payments Journal....................... 35
- Direct Check Journal................... 36
- Disbursements Journal.......................... 36
- Print Checks................................... 36
- Posting Process................................ 36
- Recurring Entries
- Enter/Edit Transactions................ 37
- Print Recurring Entries................ 37
- Generate Entries....................... 37
- Enter/Edit Transactions........................ 37
- Account Activity Report........................ 39
- Journal Report................................. 39
- Check Reconciliation
- Check Reconciliation................... 39
- Print Check Register................... 41
- Sales Tax Report............................... 41
- Posting Process................................ 41
- Recurring Entries
- Enter/Edit Transactions................ 42
- Print Recurring Entries................ 42
- Generate Entries....................... 42
- General Ledger Reports
- Trial Balance.......................... 42
- Income Statement....................... 43
- Balance Sheet.......................... 43
- Chart of Account Listing............... 43
- Job Costing Statement.................. 43
- Receivable Reports
- Client Statements...................... 44
- Client Aging Report.................... 44
- Client Directory....................... 45
- Client Labels.......................... 45
- Client Historical Invoices............. 45
- Payable Reports
- Vendor Aging Report.................... 45
- Vendor Directory....................... 46
- Vendor Labels.......................... 46
- Service/Product Reports
- Service Listing........................ 46
- Product Listing........................ 46
- Message Listing........................ 46
- Job Listing.................................... 46
- Historical Reports
- Client Historical...................... 47
- Vendor Historical...................... 47
- Product Historical..................... 47
- Service Historical..................... 47
- Salesman Report................................ 47
- General Ledger - End of Month.................. 48
- Receivables - End of Month..................... 48
- Payables - End of Month........................ 49
- Inventory - End of Month....................... 49
- Commission - End of Month...................... 49
- End of Year - General Ledger................... 49
- Roll Historical Ytd Figures.................... 50
- Historical Invoice Purge....................... 50
- Historical Tax Purge........................... 50
- Budgeting
- Enter/Edit Budget...................... 51
- Print Budget Report.................... 51
- Print Actual Report.................... 51
- Print Variance Report.................. 51
- Fixed Assets
- Enter/Edit Fixed Assets................ 52
- Print Fixed Assets..................... 53
- Generate Asset Entries................. 53
- Job Costing Purge.............................. 53
- Color Parameters............................... 54
- File Sizes..................................... 54
- Reindex Files.................................. 56
- Sales Tax Table................................ 56
- Calculator..................................... 56
- Notepad........................................ 56
- Statement Text................................. 57
- Backup/Restore Files
- Backup Files........................... 57
- Restore Files.......................... 57
- Customized Printouts
- Client Invoice......................... 57
- Client Statement....................... 58
- Purchase Order......................... 59
- Received P.O........................... 60
- Check Alignment........................ 61
- Video Parameters............................... 62
- Printer Setup.................................. 62
- Default Descriptions........................... 62
- Country Setup.................................. 63
- DOS Functions
- Format Floppy Disk..................... 63
- Check Disk............................. 63
- Rename File............................ 63
- Copy File.............................. 63
- Delete File............................ 63
- Move File.............................. 63
- Backup to Floppy Disk.................. 63
- Restore from Floppy.................... 64
- DOS Window (Alt+X).................... 64
- Tree Directory......................... 64
- Configuration Setup............................ 64
- Run Program Setup.............................. 65
- Entering Beginning Balances.................... 65
- Installing A Company........................... 66
- Converting to 5.0.............................. 67
- Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software
- before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and
- continue using it, you are expected to register. Individual
- programs differ on details. Some request registration while
- others require it, some specify a maximum trial period.
- With registration, you get anything from the simple right to
- continue using the software to an updated program with
- printed manual.
- Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial
- software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with
- a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware
- authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial
- authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In
- both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main
- difference is in the method of distribution. The author
- specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the
- software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group.
- For example, some authors require written permission before
- a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware.
- Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software.
- You should find software that suits your needs and
- pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The
- Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because
- you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is
- low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate
- money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you
- don't pay for it.
- Users of Painless Accounting must accept this disclaimer of
- warranty: "Painless Accounting is supplied as is. The
- author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied,
- including, without limitation, the warranties of
- merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author
- assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential,
- which may result from the use of Painless Accounting."
- Painless Accounting is a "shareware program" and is provided
- at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share
- it with your friends, but please do not give it away altered
- or as part of another system. The essence of
- "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer
- users with quality software without high prices, and yet to
- provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new
- products. If you find this program useful and find that you
- are using Painless Accounting and continue to use Painless
- Accounting after a reasonable trial period, you must make a
- registration payment of $125.00 to Painless Accounting. The
- $125.00 registration fee will license one copy for use on
- PAGE 1
- any one computer at any one time, and you will receive a
- printed manual. You must treat this software just like a
- book. An example is that this software may be used by any
- number of people and may be freely moved from one computer
- location to another, so long as there is no possibility of
- it being used at one location while it's being used at
- another. Just as a book cannot be read by two different
- persons at the same time.
- Commercial users of Painless Accounting must register and
- pay for their copies of Painless Accounting within 30 days
- of first use or their license is withdrawn. Site-License
- arrangements may be made by contacting Painless Accounting.
- Anyone distributing Painless Accounting for any kind of
- remuneration must first contact Painless Accounting at the
- address below for authorization. This authorization will be
- automatically granted to distributors recognized by the
- (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for shareware
- distributors, and such distributors may begin offering
- Painless Accounting immediately (However Painless Accounting
- must still be advised so that the distributor can be kept
- up-to-date with the latest version of Painless Accounting.).
- You are encouraged to pass a copy of Painless Accounting
- along to your friends for evaluation. Please encourage them
- to register their copy if they find that they can use it.
- All registered users will receive a copy of the latest
- version of the Painless Accounting system, and a printed
- manual.
- Painless Accounting
- 4401 Birdsong
- Plano, TX 75075
- If you wish to register Painless Accounting simply print the
- file REGISTER.TXT and fill in the requested information, or
- call (214)596-9164 anytime. We can send your program COD
- and we also accept American Express.
- As soon as your registration is received you will be sent
- the latest copy of Painless Accounting, and a printed
- manual. You will also be notified of any future releases of
- Painless Accounting, and any new products.
- PAGE 2
- Telephone Support:
- We provide full technical support for all of our products.
- You may call us Monday thru Thursday at (214)596-9164 from
- 6pm to 9pm CST.
- BBS Support:
- You can also leave a message on our support BBS, RBBS-PC
- Rbase-5000, operating 24 hours, 7 days a week at (214)881-0313.
- Minimum baud is 2400, maximum is 38,400 (USR Dual Standard
- 9600 HST). When you call you will automcatically have full
- access, and there is no charge for this system. This BBS
- also has a forum for interaction between our users. Please
- note if you wish to leave a message to be answered by
- Painless Accounting, you must address your message to KENDALL
- PIERCE. Kendall Pierce can also be reached on CompuServe at
- User ID 70337,3337.
- This program requires an IBM PC or IBM compatible computer
- with 640K RAM and a hard disk.
- This program and installation routine are contained on three
- disks. The first disk is labeled Installation Disk, and
- contains the install program. The other two disks contain
- the program files.
- The first thing you need to do is make a copy of each
- original disk. Once this is done, use the working copies
- that you made. Store the original disks in a safe place.
- To install Painless Accounting, simply place the disk
- labeled 'Installation Disk' in A:drive and type 'A:CINSTALL'
- at your DOS prompt. The installation routine will walk you
- through the process step by step, so just follow the
- instructions on the screen.
- Once this is done you are ready to use Painless Accounting.
- To start the program you must change into the subdirectory
- you created through the install process, the default is
- PAC5. The command to change to this default subdirectory is
- CD\PAC5. Once you are in the subdirectory type PAC5, and it
- PAGE 3
- will bring you up to the Multiple Company menu. Select the
- company you wish to setup by pressing enter or the number
- associated with the company. Once at the main menu use the
- arrow keys to move across and down the menu or type in the
- first letter or number of your selection.
- The following are some of the keys available throughout
- Painless Accounting. These keys are available only when you
- need that particular information. The keys available will
- usually be displayed on the status line.
- ESCape - Allows you to exit. Available almost everywhere.
- F1 - Help. This will provide you with on-line help. This
- feature is available anywhere in the program.
- F2 - Chart of Accounts. This will give you a listing of all
- of your chart of accounts on the screen.
- F3 - Clients. This will allow you to display your clients
- on the screen, sorted either by code or by company name.
- F4 - Vendors. This provides a listing of all your vendors
- sorted by code.
- F5 - Services. This provides a listing of all services
- sorted by code.
- F6 - Messages. This provides a listing of all messages
- sorted by code. This may also be used to list jobs or sales
- people.
- F7 - AR open invoices. This will list a particular clients
- invoices.
- F8 - AP open invoices. This will list a particular vendors
- invoices.
- F9 - Utilities. This will bring up a menu to select color
- parameters, file sizes, reindex files, tax table, check
- alignment, calculator, notepad, or statement text. This
- option is only available at the main menu.
- F10 - Products. This provides a listing of all products
- sorted by code.
- CTRL+W - Wipeout. This feature allows you to wipeout a line
- item entered or to delete a transaction.
- ALT+X - Exit to DOS. This allows you to exit to DOS.
- PgUp - Page Up. This allows you to go up to a previous line
- item entered. Also allows paging through listings displayed
- on the screen.
- PAGE 4
- PgDn - Page Down. This allow you to go down to the next
- line item. Also allows paging through listings displayed on
- the screen.
- To select options off the main menu, use the arrow keys.
- You may also press the first letter or the number of the
- option, whichever case it may be.
- When listing information on the screen using the function
- keys, more information is available by using the arrow keys.
- For example, if you press F2 to list the chart of accounts,
- you will see the account number and description on the
- screen. By using the right and left arrow keys you will see
- more information such as account balances. This works for
- just about all listings on the screen and for reports
- displayed to the screen.
- Also when doing a list on the screen with a function key,
- you are able to press the first character of the code, and
- the highlight will take you to the first code that begins
- with the letter pressed. For example, if you list vendors
- on the screen and you know the code begins with the letter
- 'V'. You can press the letter 'V' and you will be taken to
- the first code that begins with the letter 'V'. Beware that
- this search is case sensitive and this search works on just
- about all listings to the screen.
- If you are in a field requiring you to input a code and you
- do a listing to the screen, you are able to paste the code
- into the field automatically. For example, if you are in a
- field that requires a client number, press F3 to list the
- clients and highlight the client you need and press enter.
- This will paste the client number into the field for you.
- This should work in almost all fields that require input
- that you are able to list valid entries.
- Press the number of the company to access or highlight the
- proper company by using the arrow keys and press enter. If
- you need to change a company, select the Modify Company
- Information option.
- Up to ten companies may be entered. Enter in up to 40
- characters to identify each company and enter in the proper
- drive and directory where the data files are stored for each
- company. Press enter to save the line and ESCape to exit.
- If you try to access a company and receive the error message
- that the company is not installed, you must run the install
- process to create the data files for the company. You could
- also receive this message if an invalid path is entered and
- the data files are not found.
- PAGE 5
- A. Accounts File
- All chart of accounts can be entered through this routine.
- To enter in the budget amounts, select closing from the main
- menu and then select budget. When entering an account you
- must first enter an account number. If an account is on
- file it will be displayed for editing purposes. If you are
- unsure of an account number, press F2 and the chart of
- accounts will be listed on the screen. If adding a new
- account, after the account number is entered, you can enter
- in a description of the account. Next, the account type
- must be entered. The different types of accounts available
- will be displayed on the screen. Enter in the type of
- account you are entering and then save it.
- By choosing Quit the account just entered, or any changes
- made to an existing account, will not be saved and you will
- be taken back to the Files Menu. If you select Delete the
- account will be deleted, only if it has a zero balance.
- Remember account balances are only updated when the posting
- process is done in the Ledger. Pressing ESCape while in the
- account number field will take you back to the Files Menu.
- B. Client File
- All client information will be entered through this routine.
- First, you must assign each client a Code. This code can be
- numeric, alphabetic, or both. If a client exists for the
- code entered, it will be displayed on the screen for editing
- purposes. Pressing F3 will allow you to display clients on
- the screen, sorted either by code, name or company name. If
- you sort by client name enter in the client name or any part
- of the client name. For example, if you entered in 'Doe'
- for the client name, any client name found that starts with
- 'Doe' will be displayed. The same goes when searching by
- company.
- The company field is the client's company name. You also
- have a field for the name of your contact. Enter in the
- address, city, state, zip, and country. Then you can enter
- in two phone numbers and the client's Tax number.
- The balance field will be updated when any invoices or
- payments for the client are posted. You may also enter a
- sales person code if you will be tracking commissions. When
- making out an invoice the sales person will default to this
- code entered, if the commissions are activated. Last
- payment and last purchase will be updated after the posting
- process is run. Last payment is updated when any payments
- are made and posted. Last purchase is updated when any
- invoices are posted. Due days are the amount of days they
- have to pay the invoice. There is also a field for a
- license number.
- PAGE 6
- Then you must indicate if they client is to be charged
- interest for an over due balance. You can generate a
- finance charge for over due balances for open invoice
- customers only, through the generate finance charge option
- in Receivables.
- Next a price level may be entered. When setting up your
- products you may have different price levels for different
- types of clients. Enter the appropriate level code that
- this client will be charged. If this is left blank the
- normal sales price will be the default charge to this
- client. When issuing an invoice to the client the
- appropriate price level will be displayed in the invoice but
- may be overwritten.
- A reminder date can also be entered. Next enter in the Tax
- Code for the amount of tax charged to the client. The tax
- amounts are entered in through F9 (Utilities) from the main
- menu. When you get to the tax field, a box will display
- showing all the tax amounts you have entered. Just enter in
- the appropriate code number. When making invoices for the
- client, this tax percent will be added to all merchandise
- sold, only if the product or service sold is taxable.
- You also have the option to indicate if the client is a
- balance forward client. If the client is balance forward,
- after the end of month process is run for accounts
- receivable all unpaid invoices will be lumped together as
- one invoice. Otherwise, each individual invoice will remain
- on file. A finance charge will not be generated for a
- balance forward client.
- There are also fields for additional information on the
- client. For instance, their main office information could
- be put here. The historical sales figures may be edited at
- any time. They will be updated continuously when a posting
- process is run that affects the client sales. After all
- this information is entered a screen will appear to put in a
- comment about the client. This comment will be printed out
- on the client directory.
- C. Service File
- All Services will be entered through this option. First
- enter in the service code. If the service already exists it
- will be displayed for editing purposes.
- Otherwise, you will enter in the service description and the
- charge for the service. When making an invoice for the
- service, the price may be edited at that time if necessary.
- There is also a field for a sales account number. It will
- default to the sales account in the general file. Enter in
- the appropriate sales account for each service. All revenue
- made from that service will be added to this particular
- sales account. This way you can get sales for different
- departments. You also have the option to add the sales
- account if it is not on file.
- PAGE 7
- Next indicate if the service is taxable. If it is not
- taxable no sales tax will be charged when making out an
- invoice. If you indicate it is taxable, sales tax will only
- be charged if the client has a tax rate other than zero.
- You may also enter in a department and class for each
- service. The historical figures may be edited at any time,
- but are updated continuously when a posting process is run
- that affects the service. If you need to edit a service and
- do not know the service code, just press F5 and a list of
- all the services will be displayed on the screen. Pressing
- ESCape will take you back to the Files Menu.
- D. Message File
- All messages will be entered through this routine. First
- enter in the message code. If the message already exists it
- will be displayed for editing purposes. Otherwise, you will
- enter in the message description.
- If you need to edit a message and do not know the message
- code, just press F6 and a list of all the messages will be
- displayed on the screen. Pressing the ESCape key will take
- you back to the Files Menu.
- E. Vendor File
- All vendor information will be entered through this option.
- First enter a vendor code. Pressing F4 will list all
- vendors on file. If the vendor already exists it will be
- displayed for editing purposes. Enter the vendor name and
- the person you have contact with at that company. Next
- enter the address, country, and phone numbers for the
- vendor.
- The discount percent is any discount offered by the vendor
- if paid within the number of discount days. This is for
- your reference only. Due days is the number of days from
- the invoice date that the invoice is due. Enter in your
- credit limit next. The credit limit is for your reference
- only. The current balance is updated when any invoice or
- payment is posted in the Payables module.
- Enter in the appropriate Sales Tax Rate code. A window will
- pop up showing the tax rates you have entered through the F9
- (Utilities) option. Enter in the appropriate code for the
- tax rate you are charged by the vendor for all products
- ordered. This rate will be calculated for you when making
- out Purchase Orders and Received Purchase Orders. The tax
- will only be calculated on taxable products.
- Last purchase date and last payment date are updated when
- any purchase or payment is posted in the Payables module.
- The historical figures may be edited at any time, but are
- updated continuously when a posting process is run that
- affects the vendors purchases.
- PAGE 8
- F. Product File
- All products will be entered through this option. First you
- will enter in the product code. If the product is already
- on file it will be displayed for editing purposes. If you
- do not know the product code press F10 and a listing of all
- products on file will be displayed.
- Next enter in the description of the product, your selling
- price, and your cost of the product. The on hand units, on
- hand dollars, units on order, and committed units will be
- updated automatically.
- On hand units and dollars are updated when you post the
- Received Purchase orders or the Inventory adjustments.
- Units on order is affected when you make out a purchase
- order. Committed units is affected when you make out an
- invoice for the product.
- Next you have the sales account and the cost of goods sold
- account. These accounts will default to the sales and cost
- of goods sold account in the general id file. You can enter
- in different accounts if you want to track your sales and
- costs by department. All sales from this product will be
- totaled in the sales account that you entered here. All
- costs for this product will be totaled in the cost of goods
- sold account entered also. These accounts may be added at
- this time if necessary.
- Next indicate if the product is taxable. If it is taxable,
- tax will be charged when the product is sold or purchased.
- If the product is taxable, the tax will be generated when
- the product is purchased only if the vendor has a tax rate
- other than zero. Also if the product is taxable, tax will
- be generated when the product is sold only if the client has
- a tax rate other than zero.
- If you are a manufacturer, you can specify the product as
- being manufactured. If you indicated the product is
- manufactured, a screen will appear so you may input the raw
- materials that make up the manufactured good. To add the
- raw materials press the F3 key. The products must already
- exist on file. Enter a product number and the description
- will be displayed. You must then indicate the number of
- units it takes to make the finished good. If you need to
- delete an item, position the highlight on the item to delete
- and press the F4 key. To edit a raw material, highlight the
- item and press the F5 key. When generating the finished
- good, the raw material items will be decreased by the
- quantity entered.
- You may also enter a department, class, price levels, and a
- vendor code for each product.
- If you need different price levels for each product, input
- 'Y' to enter multiple price levels. The price levels may be
- PAGE 9
- a flat rate or a percentage amount. To enter a new price
- level press F3. Then you may enter a level code and
- indicate if it is to be Fixed or a Percentage amount. If a
- fixed level is chosen you must enter the fixed price to
- charge for this particular level code. If percentage is
- chosen you must enter the percentage of the selling price to
- charge. If it is 90%, enter .9. If it is 110%, enter 1.1.
- To delete a level, highlight it and press F4. To edit a
- level, highlight it and press F5. When setting up your
- clients you can specify the price level that they will be
- charged for the product.
- The historical figures may be edited at any time, but are
- updated continuously when a posting process is run that
- affects the number of products sold or purchased.
- G. Salesman File
- All sales people will be entered through this option. First
- enter a sales persons' code. Pressing F6 will list all
- sales people on file. If the sales person already exists it
- will be displayed for editing purposes. Enter the persons
- name and commission percentage. If it is 10%, enter is as
- .1.
- The historical figures may be edited at any time, but are
- updated continuously when a posting process is run that
- affects the units and dollars sold by the sales person.
- Also month to date, year to date, and last year commission
- amounts are kept and are updated automatically.
- H. Records-Client
- 1. Add/Edit Client Records
- In this option you will be able to write notes of clients'
- visits or any other information you might want to keep on
- the client. First, you will enter the client code. If you
- are unsure of the code, press F3 and you can list all
- clients or search by name or company name.
- Enter in the code and press enter and the client's name will
- be displayed. Enter the date the information is entered.
- If information has already been entered with this code and
- date, it will be displayed for editing. By entering in a
- different date more information may be added for the client.
- For each new date entered there are ten lines to enter
- information about the client. This screen is like a word
- processor: just start typing in the information, and once
- the enter key is pressed that line is saved. By pressing
- the ESCape key after pressing enter to save the line, you
- will be taken out of the entry screen. The editing keys
- available will be displayed on screen at all times.
- 2. Print Client Records
- This file grows rapidly in size as more information is
- entered. It is a good idea to print out the Client Records
- PAGE 10
- for a hard copy and then put them in a client file for
- future reference.
- When printing this information you have the option to print
- all clients' information or a range of clients. You may
- also specify certain dates to print. This may be displayed
- on the screen, printed out on paper for your files, or sent
- to a file.
- 3. Delete Client Records
- This option allows you to delete client records. This will
- reduce the size of the file and give you more disk space.
- It will prompt you for a date, and everything entered before
- this date will be deleted. It will ask you to verify your
- actions before it deletes out the records. After deleting
- these from the file, you should ALWAYS go to the utilities
- and reindex your files.
- 4. Reminder Labels
- You can print client reminder labels through this option.
- These mailing labels can be used to send clients reminders
- that it's time for their next meeting or just to keep in
- contact with them. When printing these you have the option
- to print for a range of clients or just for one client.
- Enter in the date, and it will print the labels for the
- clients specified by the range, and only for the client with
- a reminder date on or before the date specified. The
- reminder date it looks at is the date entered in when making
- out an invoice for the client through the billing module.
- This is also shown in the client file.
- It will prompt you to indicate if your labels have 9 lines
- or if they have 6 lines. Enter the appropriate number of
- lines. These reminder labels may be displayed on the screen
- or printed out on paper. Once the reminder labels are
- printed, the reminder date is blanked out. This means once
- you print out your reminder labels they may not be printed
- out again, unless you enter in a invoice with a new reminder
- date, or edit the client file and enter in a new reminder
- date.
- I. Appointment Schedule
- This option allows you to prepare an appointment schedule.
- All the appointments will be displayed on the screen by
- date. If you need to go to a specific date, press F10 and
- enter the date you need to go to. The F8 key allows you to
- print the daily appointments, add more days to the schedule,
- or delete out previous days.
- When printing out the appointments you will be asked to
- enter the first date and last date you want the report to
- cover. This report may be printed, displayed on the screen,
- or sent to a file. Each day will be printed on a separate
- sheet of paper, with the time, client's name, and any
- comments made. If you need to add days it will prompt you
- for the starting date, which will default to the day after
- PAGE 11
- the last date on file. Then you must enter in the number of
- days to add.
- If you need to delete days out of the scheduler, press F8
- and select delete appointment days. This will reduce the
- size of the file and free up more disk space. It will
- prompt you for a range of dates to delete, everything
- entered between and on these dates will be deleted.
- Pressing F10 will display a monthly calender. Pressing the
- left and right arrow keys will change the month and the up
- and down arrows change the year.
- This schedule starts at 7:00am and goes until 6:45pm in 15
- minute increments. To enter an appointment arrow to the
- proper time of the appointment and press Enter. You will
- now be at the comment line on the bottom of the screen. You
- may then type in the client name and any comment you wish.
- The first character typed in will be displayed in the
- schedule at the time indicated. If you arrow to an
- appointment already entered the information concerning that
- appointment will be displayed on the comment line at the
- bottom of the screen. Escape takes you out of the scheduler
- and saves all entries. You may want to set up different
- codes for different types of appointments and type the codes
- in as the first character.
- J. General/ID File
- This is where your company name and address will be entered.
- There are also fields for a phone number and an emergency
- phone number. You may also enter a social security number
- and your tax id number.
- General Information: The general information contains ten
- chart of accounts. These fields may not be left blank.
- These accounts are what control the integration of the
- different modules of this package when posting to the
- ledger.
- If you enter in an account number not found in the chart of
- account file, you can add it at this time. It will notify
- you that the account you entered is not in the file and ask
- if you want to add the account at this time. If you answer
- 'Y', it will take you to the Account Files where you can add
- the information for this account. If you are unsure of the
- account number, press F2 and all your chart of accounts will
- be displayed on the screen.
- For example, the cash account or CHECKING account entered
- will receive all receipts entered in the cash receipts
- option of the receivables module. When receivables are
- posted all receipts will be added to the cash or checking
- account in the Ledger. It will also receive any payment
- made at the time an invoice is entered. Any payment made to
- a vendor in the cash payments or Received Purchase Order
- will be taken out of this account. You have the option to
- override this account when making out the cash receipt or
- PAGE 12
- payment, amount paid on a received purchase order or amount
- received on an invoice.
- The RECEIVABLE account will receive information of any
- invoice entered for clients. The total of this account in
- the Ledger will be all the outstanding balances due to you.
- The SALES account is used for the default account when
- entering in Services and Products. The total of all
- products sold and services rendered, when making out an
- invoice, will be sent to the sales account entered for each
- particular service and product.
- The PAYABLE account will keep a total of all bills which you
- owe. When making an invoice for any purchase, this account
- will track the total amount you owe.
- The INVENTORY account will be updated when merchandise is
- received and the Received Purchase Orders are posted. It
- will also be updated when the billing is posted for products
- sold.
- The COST OF GOODS SOLD is the default account used when
- entering a product. If you have different departments the
- appropriate account will be updated when the billing module
- is posted.
- The SALES TAX account will keep track of all tax charged to
- the client when making out an invoice.
- The SALES TAX EXPENSE account will keep track of all tax you
- are charged when making a Purchase Order or Received
- Purchase Order.
- The FREIGHT INCOME is all freight you charge to the clients'
- when selling them products.
- The FREIGHT EXPENSE is all freight you are charged for your
- purchases.
- Remember transactions for these accounts are only created in
- the general ledger after posting the Billing, Receivables,
- Payables, and Received Purchase Orders. The chart of
- accounts balances are only updated after posting the general
- ledger.
- Last Invoice Number: The invoice number entered in this
- field will be the last invoice number used. When making out
- an invoice the next number in sequence will appear as the
- invoice number used, but may be changed to any number.
- Last Purchase Number: The purchase number entered in this
- field will be the last purchase order number used. When
- making out a purchase order the next number in sequence will
- appear as the purchase order number used, but may be changed
- to any number.
- PAGE 13
- Next indicate if you are interfacing with Painless Payroll.
- If you answer 'Y' a box will appear for you to enter in the
- drive and directory of your Painless Payroll files.
- Password: For security reasons a place to enter passwords
- has been provided. The next screen asks if you want to edit
- your password. If you answer 'Y', it will prompt you for
- the master password. If this is the first time to edit the
- passwords press enter, otherwise enter in your master
- password. You will now have the ability to enter in four
- levels of passwords or change passwords already on file.
- After loading Painless Accounting and selecting the company
- you will be entering information for, it will prompt you for
- your password. Your access will be limited to the following
- depending on the level of the password entered.
- Level 4 password only allows access to enter Invoices and to
- enter Purchase Orders and Received Purchase Orders.
- Level 3 password allows access to Level 4 entries and
- General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable
- entries. Level 3 also has access to Check reconciliation,
- Appointment Scheduler, and Records-Client.
- Level 2 password allows access to Level 3 and 4 entries
- along with all Reports, Inventory Adjustments, Printing
- Checks, and File Maintenance (Accounts, Client, Service,
- Message, Vendor, Product, and General ID files).
- Level 1 password allows access to Level 2, 3, and 4 entries
- along with Posting, End of Period routines, and Customized
- Printing set up.
- The Master password has access to everything. Also it is
- the only password that will allow you to change the
- passwords.
- K. Job File
- All jobs can be entered through this option. First enter a
- job number and then a job description. Pressing F6 will
- list all jobs on file. If the sales person already exists
- it will be displayed for editing purposes.
- A. Enter/Edit Purchase Order
- This module is used to enter a purchase order for any
- inventory items ordered. The next purchase number will be
- displayed in the purchase number field. If you need to edit
- a previous purchase order just enter in that purchase
- number, and it will be displayed on the screen, providing it
- has not been posted. Pressing ESCape in the purchase number
- field will take you back to the purchase menu.
- PAGE 14
- Next enter in the vendor code. Pressing F4 will list all
- your vendors, sorted by code, on the screen for you. If the
- vendor code entered is not found, you may add it at this
- time. You will be prompted to verify this is the correct
- vendor. If you answer Yes you may proceed with the purchase
- order. If you answer No you may enter in the vendor number
- again. Also, if any comments have been entered for the
- vendor you may view them at this time. The comments can be
- entered in the vendor file under the Files option. You may
- also edit the vendor address information and tax rate at
- this time to make any changes.
- Next enter the date of the purchase order. This will
- default to the DOS date but may be changed. Due date is
- calculated by the due days entered in the vendor file. The
- vendor balance and last payment fields are updated when any
- invoices or payments for the vendor are posted.
- Next you will be prompted to enter in all products ordered
- and any messages. You may press F10 for a listing of the
- products and F6 for a message listing. Services may NOT be
- entered in for a purchase order.
- If you enter in a product or message not on file, you can
- add it at this time. If you add it at this time it will
- prompt you to indicate if it is a product or message. Then
- it will bring up the proper screen to enter in the product
- or message. You will not be able to enter the sales and
- cost of goods sold account number. They will default to the
- account numbers set up in the General ID file. They may be
- changed by editing the product through the product file
- option.
- After a product or message is entered that is on file, the
- description will be displayed for each line item entered,
- but may be modified. You can enter up to as many line items
- as necessary. If you fill up one screen you can page up and
- page down through all the line items.
- If a product is entered, the description will be displayed,
- but may be changed. Next enter in the number of units
- ordered. The cost will default to the cost entered in the
- product file but may also be changed. The extended amount
- will be calculated automatically.
- The Rec'd field and the first cost field will have zero's in
- them until you enter a Received Purchase Order and enter in
- the number of units received. If you edit a Purchase Order
- without entering a Received Purchase Order the first cost
- field will default to the cost in the product file.
- If a message is entered the description will be displayed,
- but it may be changed. If the message does not exist in the
- message file, it may be added at this time.
- Pressing Page Up while in the product field will move you up
- to the previous line item. Pressing Page Down takes you to
- PAGE 15
- the next line item.
- Leaving the product field blank and pressing return or just
- pressing ESCape will take you out of the purchase order
- entry. The sales tax will then be calculated and added to
- the total amount due.
- A description of the purchase order to be printed on
- statements and the aging report will be entered in next.
- You have the option to print the purchase order now if you
- wish, or you may print it out later. You may select from a
- custom form that you have setup in (F9) Utilities under
- Customized printouts.
- To edit a previous purchase order just enter in that
- purchase number, and it will be displayed, providing it has
- not been posted. Pressing Ctrl+W while in the client code
- will delete the invoice. You will be prompted to verify
- your actions before the invoice is deleted. If you need to
- delete a line item just press Ctrl+W in the product code
- field. This will delete that line item only. When editing
- Page Down takes you to the next line item and Page Up takes
- you to the previous line item.
- After a Purchase Order is entered, the on order field in the
- product file will be updated by the number of units ordered.
- B. Enter/Edit Received P.O.
- This module is used to enter a Received Purchase
- Order showing any amount of products received from a vendor.
- The next Received Purchase Order number will be displayed in
- the Purchase Number field. If you need to edit a previous
- Received Purchase Order just enter in that Received number,
- and it will be displayed on the screen, providing it has not
- been posted. If you have already entered a Purchase Order
- and now want to enter the number of units received, enter in
- the Purchase Order number. You can then move to the line
- items and enter in the appropriate number of units received
- for each product. If you do not use Purchase Orders you can
- just enter in a Received Purchase Order for the products
- received. Pressing ESCape in the Purchase number field will
- take you back to the Purchase menu.
- Next enter in the vendor code, unless you are editing a
- Received Purchase Order or are entering in received units
- for a Purchase Order. Pressing F3 will allow you to display
- the vendors on the screen. If the vendor code entered is
- not found, you may add it at this time. You will be
- prompted to verify this is the correct vendor. If you
- answer Yes you may proceed with the Received Purchase order.
- If you answer No you may enter in the vendor number again.
- Also, if any comments have been entered for the vendor you
- may view them at this time. The comments can be entered in
- the vendor file under the Files option. You may also edit
- the vendor address information and tax rate at this time to
- make any changes.
- PAGE 16
- Next you will be prompted to enter in the date of the
- received p.o. and due date. The date of received p.o.
- defaults to the DOS date, unless you are editing a previous
- entry or entering in received products for a purchase order.
- The due date will be entered in automatically, but may be
- changed. Due date is calculated by the due days entered in
- the vendor file. The vendor balance and last payment fields
- are updated when any invoices or payments are made to the
- vendor and posted.
- Next you will be prompted to enter in all products received
- and any messages. You may press F10 for a listing of the
- products or F6 for a message listing. If you are entering
- received merchandise for a purchase order, the products from
- the purchase order will be displayed.
- If you enter in a product or message not on file, you can
- add it at this time. If you add it at this time it will
- prompt you to indicate if it is a product or message. Then
- it will bring up the proper screen to enter in the product
- or message. If you add a product you will not be able to
- enter the sales or cost of goods sold account number. They
- will default to the accounts set up in the General ID file.
- These account numbers may be changed by editing the product
- through the product file option.
- After a product or message is entered that is on file the
- description will be displayed for each line item entered,
- but may be modified. You can enter as many line items as
- necessary consisting of products and messages.
- If a product is entered, the description will be displayed,
- but may be changed. The cost will default to the cost
- entered in the product file but may also be changed. Next
- you will enter in the number of units received and you can
- enter in a new cost if it is different than what is in the
- product file. The extended amount will be calculated for
- you. The on hand units in the product file will be update
- once you post the Received Purchase Orders.
- If you are entering a Received Merchandise for a purchase
- order the number of units ordered and cost will be
- displayed. Otherwise the units order and cost will be zero.
- If a message is entered the description will be displayed,
- but it may be changed. If the message does not exist in the
- message file, it may be added at this time.
- Leaving the product field blank and pressing return or just
- pressing ESCape will take you to the freight field. You may
- enter any freight charged, which will be updated to your
- freight expense account setup in the general ID file. Once
- in the freight field the sales tax will be calculated. If
- the vendor was setup with a zero tax rate, no tax will be
- calculated. Otherwise, tax will be calculated only on the
- products that were setup as taxable.
- PAGE 17
- Next you may enter any cash payment made at this time. The
- invoice generated will only be for the remaining amount due,
- if any.
- The Total is the total of all products received plus the
- freight and sales tax minus any amount paid. If you enter
- an amount in the amount paid field, this amount will be
- posted to your default checking account, setup in the
- General ID File. This amount will also be posted to the
- check reconciliation under the default checking account.
- Pressing Page Up while in the freight field will take you
- back to the line items. Pressing Page Up while in the
- Product field will move you up to the previous line item.
- Pressing Page Down takes you to the next line item.
- A description of the purchase to be printed on statements
- and the aging report will be entered in next. You have the
- option to print the Received Purchase Order now if you wish,
- or you may print it out later.
- To edit a previous Received Purchase Order just enter in
- that Received number, and it will be displayed, providing it
- has not been posted. Pressing Ctrl+W while in the vendor
- code will delete the invoice. You will be prompted to
- verify your actions before the invoice is deleted. If you
- need to delete a line item just press Ctrl+W in the Product
- field. This will delete that line item only. When editing
- Page Down takes you to the next line item and Page Up takes
- you to the previous line item. Also Page Up will take you
- from the amount paid field to the last line item entered.
- C. Inventory Adjustments
- This option allows you make adjustments to your products
- after taking an inventory. You will only be allowed to make
- adjustments to products already on file. First you will
- enter in the product code. Pressing F10 will display all
- the products on the screen. After the code is entered the
- description and the current on hand units will be displayed.
- If there has already been an adjustment entered for the
- product, and not posted, the New on Hand Units will be
- displayed. Pressing CTRL+W while in the New on Hand Units
- field, will delete the adjustment.
- You may now enter in the New on Hand Units. If you enter in
- more units than currently on hand, after posting this will
- increase your inventory and update the current on hand units
- in the product file. Also, your Cost of Goods Sold will be
- decreased. If you enter in less units than currently on
- hand, after posting this will decrease your inventory and
- update the current on hand units in the product file. Also,
- your Cost of Goods Sold will be increased.
- D. Print P.O./Received P.O.
- PAGE 18
- 1. Print Purchase Order
- Through this option you can print, display, or send to a
- file a range of purchase orders. If you answer 'Y' to
- reprint purchase orders, it will print out all purchase
- orders that have already been printed. If you answer 'N',
- it will only print purchase orders that have not been
- printed. You also have a range of which purchase orders to
- print out. Select the form that you want the Purchase
- orders to print out on.
- 2. Print Received P.O.
- Through this option you will be able to print, display, or
- send received purchase orders to a file. If you answer 'Y'
- to reprint received purchase orders, it will print out all
- received purchase orders that have already been printed. If
- you answer 'N', it will only print received purchase orders
- that have not been printed. You also have a range of which
- received purchase orders to print out. Select the form that
- you want the Received P.O.'s to print out on.
- E. Print Adjustments
- This option will allow you to print out the inventory
- adjustments entered. You may display this report, send it
- to the printer, or send it to a file. This will display the
- Product code and description and the current on hand units
- and the new on hand units entered.
- F. Print Purchase Journal
- This report will show all Purchase Order and Received
- Purchase Order amounts and amount due. You have the option
- to display the report on the screen, send it to the printer,
- or send it to a file. This will show the Purchase Order or
- Received Purchase Order number, vendor code, vendor company,
- and date. It will also show the total of the invoice and
- any amount paid at the time of the invoice. Also the amount
- now owed on the invoice will be displayed. It will also
- give you totals for each of these columns.
- G. Post Received P.O.
- Be sure and print out all purchase orders, received purchase
- orders, and the purchase journal and make a backup before
- running this process. This process will update all vendor
- balances and put all received purchase orders in the open
- invoice file. Also the on hand units and the on order units
- in the product file will be updated.
- When posting you will be prompted for a posting date. This
- is the date used for the summary sent to the ledger. You
- also have the option to post Unprinted Received Purchase
- Orders. If you answer 'N' the unprinted Received Purchase
- Orders will stay in the file. If you answer 'Y' all
- Received Purchase Orders will be posted.
- You will no longer be able to edit any purchase orders or
- PAGE 19
- received purchase orders that had units received or any
- partial units received. The only thing that will be left in
- the file will be Purchase Orders that did not have any units
- received. Any units not received will have to be reentered
- as a Purchase Order.
- A summary of all debits and credits will be sent to the
- ledger with the posting date entered. Total debits and
- credits posted will be displayed on the screen and they
- should always be equal.
- This summary may be looked at in the ledger, but it cannot
- be edited. To look at this summary, enter in PO for the
- journal and the date as the transaction number. For
- example, if you posted on March 14, enter in 03/14 as the
- transaction number and PO as the journal. This will display
- the summary on the screen.
- H. Post Adjustments
- Be sure and print out the Adjustments and make a backup
- before running this process. This process will update the
- product file with the new on hand units. It will take the
- new on hand units times the standard cost to get the new on
- hand dollar value. If the adjustment is made to decrease
- the inventory a credit will be made to inventory and the
- offsetting entry will be made to the cost of goods sold for
- each product.
- A summary of all debits and credits will be sent to the
- ledger. Total debits and credits posted will be displayed
- on the screen and they should always be equal.
- This summary may be looked at in the ledger, but it cannot
- be edited. To look at this summary, enter in IV for the
- journal and the date as the transaction number. For
- example, if you posted on March 14, enter in 03/14 as the
- transaction number and IV as the journal. This will display
- the summary on the screen.
- I. Bill of Materials
- 1. Print Bill of Materials
- This report will show all products that are manufactured.
- It will show the finished product and the description.
- Below the finished good, all products that make up that
- product will be displayed. It will show the product code,
- description, and the number of units it takes to make up the
- finished good. This report may be displayed on screen, sent
- to the printer, or sent to a file.
- 2. Generate Bill of Materials
- This option will allow you to generate your manufactured
- products. All manufactured products will be displayed on
- the screen by code and show the description. You must now
- enter the number of units to generate for each product. Use
- the arrow keys to highlight the proper product and then
- PAGE 20
- press the F2 key to enter in the number of units to
- generate. When you are ready to generate the units press
- the F10 key.
- This process will increase the number of units on hand for
- the manufactured product by the number input. The on hand
- dollars will also be increased by the standard cost times
- the number of units generated. The on hand units for the
- raw materials, that make up the finished product, will be
- decreased by the number of units setup in the product file.
- Also the on hand dollars will be decreased. This process
- does not check to see that the raw materials have enough
- units on hand to generate the finished good. So it is
- possible to get a negative on hand units and dollar value
- for the products that make up the manufactured good.
- A. Billing-Enter/Edit Invoices
- This module is used to enter client invoices that can be
- printed out showing each service rendered or product sold.
- The next invoice number will be displayed in the invoice
- number field. This invoice number may be changed to any
- number, this will help if your invoices are not entered in
- consecutive order. If you need to edit a previous invoice
- just enter in that invoice number, and it will be displayed
- on the screen, providing it has not been posted. Pressing
- ESCape in the invoice number field will take you back to the
- billing menu.
- Next enter in the client code. Pressing F3 will allow you
- to display the clients on the screen, by code or allow you
- to search by company name or name. If the client code
- entered is not found, you may add it at this time. If a
- client code of CASH is entered, you will be able to enter in
- a name, address, city, state, and zip information. This is
- helpful if you are a point of sale business and have
- numerous one time cash customers per day that you do not
- need to keep on file.
- You will be prompted to verify this is the correct client.
- If you answer Yes you may proceed with the invoice entry.
- If you answer No you may enter in the client number again.
- Also, if any comments have been entered for the client you
- may view them at this time. The comments can be entered in
- the client file under the Files option. You may also edit
- the client address information and tax rate at this time to
- make any changes.
- Next you will be prompted to enter in the client's reminder
- date. This will be the date of the clients next visit. You
- will also be able to print out reminder labels for this date
- in the Records-Client option of the Files module.
- Date of visit and due date will be entered in automatically,
- but it may be changed. Due date is calculated by the due
- PAGE 21
- days entered in the client file. The client balance and
- last payment fields are updated when any invoices or
- payments are made for the client and posted. You also have
- 15 characters to enter in a PO number or use this field for
- another type of reference.
- If you have the ship to information activated, you will be
- able to enter in four lines of ship to information. Also,
- if the Job Costing and/or Commissions are activated, you
- will be able to enter in a job number and/or a sales person.
- You may press F6 to list each of the jobs and sales people,
- when prompted to enter in the job number or sales person.
- If the job costing is activated, you will be required to
- enter in a job number for each invoice. The same goes for
- entering a sales person. The sales person will default to
- the sales person entered in the client file. If you will
- have a case where there might not be a job number or sales
- person, and the options are activated, setup a dummy job
- and/or a dummy sales person.
- Next you will be prompted to enter in all services
- performed, products ordered, and any messages. You may
- press F5 for a listing of the services, F6 for a message
- listing, or F10 for a product listing.
- If you enter in a service, product, or message not on file,
- you can add it at this time. If you add it at this time it
- will prompt you to indicate if it is a service, message, or
- product. Then it will bring up the proper screen to enter
- the service, message, or product. If you add a product you
- will not be able to enter the sales and cost of goods sold
- account numbers. They will default to the accounts set up
- in the General ID file. You may change these by editing the
- product through the product file option.
- After a service is entered, the description will be
- displayed but may be modified. The amount of the service
- will be also be displayed, but you may change the amount if
- necessary. If a message is entered the description will be
- displayed, but you can modify it if necessary.
- If a message is entered the description will be displayed,
- but it may be changed. If the message does not exist in the
- message file, it may be added at this time.
- If a product is entered the description and price will be
- displayed, but can be modified. The price will default to
- the clients price level if used. Otherwise the selling
- price setup in the product file will be displayed. Next
- enter in the number of units ordered. You can then change
- the price if necessary. You have the option to let the
- system indicated if you have negative on hand units or not.
- This may be setup in the Utilities menu. If it is set on
- then, if the number of units ordered is greater than the
- number of units on hand, a message will appear indicating
- that this entry will give you a negative on hand units. You
- then have the option to continue or reenter a smaller number
- PAGE 22
- of units ordered. Thus, if you continue you are able to
- sell un its that you currently do not have.
- The extended amount is calculated by taking units times
- price. The sales tax will be updated once in the amount
- paid field. So will the GST tax if it is activated.
- Leaving the service field blank and pressing return or just
- pressing ESCape will take you to the commission field at the
- bottom of the screen, providing you have the commissions
- activated. Otherwise, you will be taken to the freight
- field.
- The commission amount will be displayed but may be
- overwritten at this time. The commission is the commission
- percent times the total amount of the line items. This does
- not include any tax or freight. You can then enter in any
- freight amount and any cash received. The invoice generated
- will only be for the remaining amount due, if any. The
- Total is the total of services rendered and products
- ordered, plus any sales tax, GST tax, if activated, and
- freight minus the amount paid. If the client is set up with
- a zero tax rate, no tax will be generated. If the client
- has a tax rate, tax will be calculated only on services and
- products that are taxable. If GST tax is activated and the
- rate is not 0, the GST tax will be calculated on the total
- of the invoice line items plus the sales tax.
- If you enter an amount in the amount paid field, this amount
- will be posted to your default checking account, that is
- setup in the General ID File. This amount will also be
- posted to the check reconciliation under the default
- checking account. The sales tax will be posted to the sales
- tax account in the general ID file, and the freight will get
- posted to the freight income account in the general ID file.
- Pressing Page Up while in the amount paid field will take
- you back to the line items. Pressing Page Up while in the
- service/message/product field will move you up to the
- previous line item. Pressing Page Down takes you to the
- next line item.
- Next, if you have the hold invoice activated, you will be
- able to make this a hold invoice. A hold invoice will not
- be posted when going through the posting process. Also when
- printing out invoices through the invoice-print option, a
- hold invoice will not be printed. This way you will be able
- to edit this invoice later. It will no longer be a hold
- invoice once a payment is entered and posted.
- A description of the invoice to be printed on statements and
- the aging report will be entered in next. You have the
- option to print the invoice now if you wish, or you may
- print it out later. You may also select a customized form
- to print the invoice by.
- To edit a previous invoice just enter in that invoice
- PAGE 23
- number, and it will be displayed, providing it has not been
- posted. Pressing Ctrl+W while in the client code will
- delete the invoice. You will be prompted to verify your
- actions before the invoice is deleted. If you need to
- delete a line item just press Ctrl+W in the service code.
- This will delete that line item only. When editing Page
- Down takes you to the next line item and Page Up takes you
- to the previous line item. Page Up will also take you from
- the commission or freight field, depending if the
- commissions are activated, to the last line item entered.
- B. Invoices-Print
- This option allows you to print, display, or send invoices
- to a file. You may select any of your customized formats at
- this time. If you answer 'Y' to reprint invoices, it will
- print all invoices that have already been printed. If you
- answer 'N', it will only print invoices that have not been
- printed. Any hold invoice will not be printed through this
- option. You also have a range of which invoice numbers to
- print out and you have the option to print invoices with a
- zero balance.
- C. Revenue Journal-Print
- This option will generate a sales journal which may be
- displayed on the screen, printed, or sent to a file. You
- have the option activate hold invoices on this report
- through the utilities menu. If not activated, any hold
- invoices will not be printed on this report. Otherwise,
- hold invoices will be included. This report will display
- the invoice number, client code and name, and the date of
- the invoice. The revenue journal also includes a total of
- the invoice and any tax charged along with any amount that
- was paid at the time of the invoice. Also the net due on
- the invoice will be displayed and each column will be
- totaled.
- D. Commission Report
- This option will give you a commission report for your sales
- people. The report will show the sales persons name,
- invoice number, client number, amount of the invoice, and
- the commission made by the sales person. Also, a total of
- the invoice amounts and commission to be paid will be
- displayed. This report may be displayed on the screen,
- printed, or sent to a file.
- E. Sales Analysis
- This option will generate a sales analysis report which may
- be displayed on the screen, printed, or sent to a file.
- This report will generate a total for each product or
- service sold. The information is pulled from the invoice
- file and will include all invoices enter through the Billing
- module that have not been posted. This report will show the
- type(Service or Product), code, description, number of units
- PAGE 24
- sold, and the total dollar value, for each invoice the
- product or service is on. There will be a total for each
- product or service and a grand total at the end.
- F. Billing-Posting Process
- Be sure and print out all invoices and the sales journal and
- make a backup before running this process. This process
- will update all client balances, client historical figures,
- product file, product historical figures, commission
- information if activated, job costing information, if
- activated, and put all invoices in the open invoice file.
- This will NOT post any hold invoices. You will no longer be
- able to edit any invoices that were not hold invoices after
- this process is run.
- You will be prompted for the posting date. The summary sent
- to the ledger will use this as the date. You will be asked
- to update the historical invoice/tax file, if you answer 'Y'
- all services, messages, and products sold will be kept in a
- file, which can be printed out later. If you need to keep
- your clients history on file, then answer 'Y'. That way you
- will be able to look at a clients history at any time. This
- will also update the historical tax file. Then you will be
- able to print a sales tax report for any range of clients
- who are charged tax. You may also print it out for a given
- date range to get a tax report for the month.
- A summary of all debits and credits will be sent to the
- ledger. Total debits and credits posted will be displayed
- on the screen and they should always be equal.
- This summary may be looked at in the ledger, but it cannot
- be edited. To look at this summary, enter in BI for the
- journal and the date as the transaction number. For
- example, if your posting date was March 13, enter in 03/13
- as the transaction number and BI as the journal. This will
- display the summary on the screen.
- G. Billing-Recurring Entries
- 1. Billing-Enter/Edit Invoices(Recurring)
- When making Billing recurring entries, editing and deleting
- the entry works the same as entering in a regular Invoice.
- The only difference is after the Invoice Number number is
- entered you will be prompted for a Recurring Code. You have
- codes 1-9 to choose from. Each invoice will be saved with
- this recurring code and when you want to generate the
- recurring entries you just specify what code to generate
- for.
- The invoice number in this option is just a reference
- number. When the invoices are generated they will not have
- this invoice number. It will take the last invoice number
- in the general id file and increment it by one and the first
- recurring invoice will have this invoice number and so on.
- PAGE 25
- You are unable to enter in a PO Number, ship to information,
- freight, sales person, or job number. Also, you will not be
- able to enter in a reminder date. If you need a reminder
- date, after generating the entries, edit the invoice in the
- Enter/Edit Invoice option. The invoice date will be the
- date the recurring invoice is generated. The due date will
- be calculated for you.
- One thing to be aware of, if you enter in products for a
- recurring entry, it will not check to see if you have enough
- units on hand. When you edit the recurring invoice in the
- Enter/Edit invoice option and you will be able to check to
- see if you do have enough units on hand, provided you have
- the negative on hand units check activated.
- 2. Billing-Print Recurring Entries
- This option will allow you to print, display on screen, or
- send any range of recurring entries to a file. This will
- print just like a regular invoice. You can also select a
- customized form to print the invoices on.
- 3. Billing-Generate Entries
- This option will generate your recurring entries. It will
- prompt you for the recurring code to generate for. Only
- entries with this recurring code will be sent to the Billing
- invoice file. This process may be run as often as needed.
- There will be no indication that the process has already
- been run, so if you run it twice in one month and were only
- supposed to run it once, you will have to go to the Billing
- Enter/Edit Invoice option and delete the invoice.
- Remember the invoice numbers used in the recurring invoices
- entry will not be the invoice number given once it is sent
- to the regular invoice file.
- A. Receivables-Enter/Edit Transactions
- This option allows you to enter invoices or credits for your
- clients or edit any invoices entered but not posted through
- this module. The transaction number will be automatically
- displayed. If you need to edit a previous transaction, just
- enter in that transaction number, and it will be displayed
- for you. Pressing ESCape while in the transaction number
- will take you back to the receivables menu.
- If you are adding an invoice or credit, just enter in the
- client code and the client information will be displayed.
- By pressing F3 you can list the clients on screen by code or
- search by name or company name.
- If you need to delete a transaction, just press Ctrl+W in
- the client code and that transaction will be deleted. You
- will be prompted to verify your actions before the
- transaction is deleted.
- PAGE 26
- If the client code entered does not exist, you may add the
- client at this time. You will be prompted to verify this is
- the correct client. If you answer Yes you may proceed with
- the invoice entry. If you answer No you may enter in the
- client number again. Also, if any comments have been
- entered for the client you may view them at this time. The
- comments can be entered in the client file under the Files
- option. You may also edit the client address information
- and tax rate at this time to make any cha nges.
- The client balance will only reflect any invoices or
- payments that have been posted. The last payment date will
- be updated automatically after posting.
- It will then prompt you to enter an 'I' for invoice or 'C'
- for a miscellaneous credit. Most entries will be invoices.
- A miscellaneous credit will only be used if the client is to
- receive credit or if an entry was made in error and posted.
- Next, enter in an invoice number. When editing the
- transaction you will not have access to the invoice number
- to change it. If the incorrect invoice number was entered
- and saved, you will have to delete the transaction and
- reenter it with the correct invoice number. When making
- adjustments to an invoice that has been posted, use the
- invoice number from the posted invoice.
- You will then be prompted to enter the Job Number, if the
- Job Costing option is activated in Utilities. You may press
- F6 to list all jobs on file. If you have a transaction that
- does not go to any job, you will have to enter a dummy job
- and use that job number for all entries with no jobs.
- By pressing F7, a list of all invoices made for this client
- will be displayed on the screen. Enter the invoice date,
- and the due date will be generated, but may be changed.
- Invoice date will default to the DOS date but may be
- changed.
- Your receivable general ledger account will be displayed and
- you may enter in a description of the invoice and the amount
- in the debit column. If it is a miscellaneous credit, the
- cursor will stop in the credit column and you can enter in
- the adjustment amount. On the second line enter in your
- income account number and the proper amount. The income
- amount may be split up into two or more accounts by entering
- in two or more line items. A total of eight line items may
- be entered. This may vary depending on what you selected in
- video parameters. If you are unsure of an account number,
- pressing F2 will display a listing of the chart of accounts.
- Pressing Page Down will allow you to advance to the next
- line. Pressing Page Up will allow you to move to the
- previous line item entered.
- If the account number entered does not exist, you have the
- option to add this account to your files at this time.
- PAGE 27
- When the debits equal the credits just press enter, and you
- will be prompted to enter in an invoice description which
- will be displayed on a client statement and the aging
- report.
- When editing an invoice, if you need to delete a line item,
- just press Ctrl+W in the account number field and that line
- item will be deleted. Page Up and Page Down will allow you
- to move up and down through each line item.
- B. Cash Receipts
- When a client makes a payment, you enter it through this
- option. The next transaction number will come up for you.
- Pressing ESCape while in the transaction number will take
- you back to the receivables menu. Enter in the client code
- or press F3 to search for the client. Clients may not be
- added at this time.
- You will be prompted to verify this is the correct client.
- If you answer Yes you may proceed with the invoice entry.
- If you answer No you may enter in the client number again.
- Also, if any comments have been entered for the client you
- may view them at this time. The comments can be entered in
- the client file under the Files option. You may also edit
- the client address information and tax rate at this time to
- make any changes.
- Enter in the proper transaction date next. It defaults to
- the DOS date. You can then enter in the job number,
- providing job costing is activated in the Utilities option.
- If you are entering the receipt and not editing, you will
- then have three options on how to enter cash receipts. The
- first option only allows you to enter a cash receipt for a
- single invoice. This may be a partial or whole amount. The
- second type of receipt allows you to receive payment on
- multiple invoices. The amount received be partial or whole
- amounts. The last option is to make a mass payment where
- you will just mark the invoices and the total amount will be
- paid. This option does not allow partial payments.
- When you need to pay only one invoice, whether it be a
- partial payment or full payment, select (1) single invoice
- payment. Next you must enter in the invoice number the
- client is paying. If you do not know the invoice number
- press F7, and all invoices for that client will be displayed
- on the screen.
- When listing the invoices the invoice number, invoice date,
- due date, balance, and payment will be displayed. Enter in
- the proper invoice number and the amount they are paying.
- Only existing invoices may be entered.
- If the total amount is not paid, you have the option to
- write off the remaining balance. If you answer 'N', the
- PAGE 28
- remaining balance will remain as an outstanding invoice. If
- you write off the remaining balance, a screen will appear to
- enter in the account you want the write-off amount to go to.
- This transaction will appear on your journal report with
- type 'W' for write-off. It will also appear on your aging
- report with type 'W' for write off. You will then be
- prompted to enter a description for the write-off. This
- will be displayed when printing the journal and the client
- statements and aging reports.
- When editing the transaction you will not have access to the
- invoice number to change it. If the incorrect invoice
- number was entered and saved, you will have to delete the
- transaction and reenter it with the correct invoice number.
- If the client is paying more than one invoice, whether it be
- a partial payment or full payments, select (2) multiple
- invoices. All the client invoices will be displayed on the
- screen. Highlight the invoice to pay and press F3 to add
- the payment. You may enter a partial payment amount or a
- full payment amount for any number of invoices. If you need
- to delete a payment, highlight the invoice and press F4. To
- edit a payment, highlight the invoice and press F5. If you
- are not on a payment a message will be displayed. Press
- Escape to continue.
- If the client is paying one or more invoices in full, then
- select (3) mass payment. All the client invoices will be
- displayed on the screen. Highlight the invoices they are
- paying and press F9 to signify the invoices have been paid.
- Press F10 to change the invoice from paid to unpaid. The
- payment generated will be for the total of all invoices
- marked as paid. No partial payments may be entered through
- the mass payment option. Press Escape to continue.
- After indicating which invoices were paid, you will be
- prompted to enter a checking account, it will default to the
- checking account in the General ID file. This is so if you
- have multiple checking accounts, you can have the receipts
- go into whichever checking account you enter. You will then
- be prompted to enter in a description which will be
- displayed on the client statement and aging report.
- To delete a cash receipt, press Ctrl+W while in the client
- code field. You will be prompted to verify your actions
- before the entry is deleted.
- C. Journal-Print
- 1. Receivables-Invoices/Transactions
- This report will print out all invoice transactions entered
- through the Receivables module. This journal may be
- displayed on the screen, sent to a printer, or sent to a
- file. Type 'I' is for an invoice, type 'C' if for a
- miscellaneous credit, and type 'W' is a write-off
- transaction. This journal should be printed out on paper
- PAGE 29
- before posting. After the posting process is run you will
- not be able to edit the transactions.
- 2. Cash Receipts Journal
- This report will print out all of the cash receipts. It
- will display the transaction number, client code and name,
- the invoice number they paid, and the amount the client
- paid.
- The type will be 'P' for a payment. This report may be
- displayed on the screen or printed out on paper. This
- journal should be printed out on paper before posting.
- After the posting process is run, you will not be able to
- edit the transactions.
- D. Receivables-Posting Process
- Be sure and print out all journals and make a backup before
- running this process. This process will update all client
- balances, client historical information, product historical
- information, any job costing information, if activated, and
- put all invoices in the open invoice file. You will no
- longer be able to edit any invoices or receipts made through
- this module after posting.
- You will be prompted to enter a posting date. This date
- will used as the date for the summary sent to the ledger.
- The summary of all debits and credits will be sent to the
- general ledger. This total will be displayed on the screen
- when the posting process is finished, and the totals should
- always be equal.
- This summary may be viewed in the general ledger by entering
- in AR as the journal, and the transaction number will be the
- date. Example, if you posted on March 14, enter 03/14 as
- the transaction number and AR as the journal. The summary
- post will be displayed on the screen, but may not be
- edited.
- E. Receivables-Recurring Entries
- 1. Receivables-Enter Recurring Entries
- When entering recurring entries it will work the same as
- entering in regular transaction entries. The transaction
- number will be incremented automatically, but is just a
- reference number. When the entries are generated, it will
- take the last transaction number used in the regular
- Enter/Edit transaction option and increment it by one. The
- first recurring entry will be given this transaction number
- when it is sent to the transaction file and so on. The
- recurring entries transaction number will not change.
- The first thing you will enter is the recurring code. This
- code will be used when generating the recurring entries.
- When you generate the entries it will ask for what code.
- You will pick the code and it will generate all the
- recurring entries that have that particular code.
- PAGE 30
- Everything else will work the same as when you enter a
- regular transaction.
- 2. Receivables-Print Recurring Entries
- When printing the recurring entries you may display them on
- screen, print them out, or send them to a file. They will
- contain the recurring number, client code and name, and each
- line item entered with a total of the debits and credits.
- It will also display the recurring code for each entry.
- 3. Receivables-Generate Entries
- This option will allow you to generate the recurring
- entries. It will ask you for the recurring code to generate
- for. Once you select the code it will generate all entries
- that have this recurring code. They will be sent to the
- transaction file and you can edit them through the
- Enter/Edit transaction option. The transaction numbers will
- be assigned automatically with the next numbers in sequence
- from the regular Enter/Edit transaction option. If you
- print out a Invoice/Transaction listing the recurring
- entries generated will be included in this report.
- F. Generate Finance Charges
- This process should only be run once a month. It will
- generate a finance charge for Open Invoice customers that
- are setup to receive a finance charge. A report showing all
- finance charges will be generated. This report should be
- printed out so you can easily make any necessary changes or
- remove any charges generated by mistake.
- In order to run this process you must first post the Billing
- and Receivables modules. You can then enter a finance
- charge rate and a generation date. Any open invoice clients
- that have invoices past due as of the generation date will
- be accessed a finance charge based on the rate entered. You
- must also indicate the income account to receive the finance
- charge. The entry sent to the general ledger will be a
- debit to accounts receivable and a credit to the finance
- charge income account.
- A. Payables-Enter/Edit Transactions
- This option allows you to enter invoices for your vendors or
- edit any invoices already entered but not posted. The
- transaction number will be automatically displayed.
- Pressing ESCape while in the transaction number will take
- you back to the payables menu. If you need to edit a
- previous transaction, just enter in that particular
- transaction number, and it will be displayed on the screen
- for you.
- When entering an invoice, enter in the vendor code, and the
- vendor information will be displayed. By pressing F4 a list
- of all the vendors will be displayed on the screen. If you
- are editing an invoice and need to delete that invoice, just
- PAGE 31
- press Ctrl+W in the vendor code and that invoice will be
- deleted. You will be asked to verify your actions before
- the invoice is deleted from the records.
- If the vendor code entered does not exist, you may add it at
- this time. You will be prompted to verify this is the
- correct client. If you answer Yes you may proceed with the
- invoice entry. If you answer No you may enter in the vendor
- number again. Also, if any comments have been entered for
- the vendor you may view them at this time. The comments can
- be entered in the vendor file under the Files option. You
- may also edit the vendor address information and tax rate at
- this time to make any changes.
- The credit limit is the limit you entered in the vendor
- file. The balance will only reflect any invoices or
- payments that have been posted. The last payment date will
- be updated automatically after posting.
- It will then prompt you to enter an 'I' for invoice or a 'D'
- for a miscellaneous debit. Most entries will be invoices.
- A miscellaneous debit will only be used if the vendor issues
- you a credit or if an entry was entered in error and posted.
- Then enter in an invoice number, pressing F8 will display
- all invoices made for this vendor on the screen. This
- invoice number cannot be changed when editing the
- transaction. If the wrong invoice number was entered, you
- will have to delete the transaction. If you are making an
- adjustment to a posted invoice, use the same invoice number.
- The date of the invoice defaults to the DOS date, but may be
- changed. The due date will be generated, but can be
- changed. If the job costing is activated you will then be
- prompted to enter a job number.
- Next, your payables General Ledger account will be
- displayed, and you may enter in a description of the invoice
- and the amount in the credit column. If it is a
- miscellaneous debit the cursor will stop in the debit
- column, and you can enter in the amount.
- On the second line enter in your offsetting account and the
- proper amount. If the account number entered does not
- exist, you may add it at this time. Pressing F2 will
- display all the chart of accounts on the screen.
- You may enter up to eight line items per invoice. This will
- varying depending on what you have selected in the video
- parameters. When debits equal credits leave the account
- number blank and press enter, you will then be prompted to
- enter in an invoice description. This description will be
- displayed when printing out the vendor aging report.
- When editing an invoice, Page Down will allow you to move
- down through each line item. Page Up allows you to move up
- to the previous line item. Pressing Ctrl+W in the account
- PAGE 32
- number field will delete that line item.
- B. Cash Payments
- When you pay a vendor you will enter the payment through
- this option. The transaction number will come up
- automatically. Pressing ESCape while in the transaction
- number will take you back to the payables menu. Enter in a
- vendor code or press F4 and all the vendors will be
- displayed on the screen. Vendors may not be added at this
- time.
- To edit a cash payment, enter the proper transaction number
- and that transaction will be displayed on the screen. If
- you need to delete the payment, press Ctrl+W in the vendor
- code field. You will be prompted to verify you actions
- before the payment is deleted.
- To enter a transaction you must first enter a vendor code.
- You will be prompted to verify this is the correct vendor.
- If you answer Yes you may proceed with the invoice entry.
- If you answer No you may enter in the vendor number again.
- Also, if any comments have been entered for the vendor you
- may view them at this time. The comments can be entered in
- the vendor file under the Files option. You may also edit
- the vendor address information and tax rate at this time to
- make any changes.
- Enter in the proper transaction date next. It will default
- to the DOS date. If the job costing is activated you must
- then enter a job number.
- If you are entering a payment and not editing, you will then
- have three options on how to enter cash payments. The first
- option only allows you to enter a cash payment for a single
- invoice. This may be a partial or whole amount. The second
- type of payment allows you to make a payment on multiple
- invoices. The amount paid may be partial or whole amounts.
- The last option is to make a mass payment where you will
- just mark the invoices and the total amount will be paid.
- This option does not allow partial payments.
- When you need to pay only one invoice, whether it be a
- partial payment or full payment, select (1) single invoice
- payment. Next you must enter in the invoice number you are
- paying. If you do not know the invoice number press F7, and
- all invoices for that vendor will be displayed on the
- screen.
- When listing the invoices the invoice number, invoice date,
- due date, balance, and payment will be displayed. Enter in
- the proper invoice number and the amount they are paying.
- Only existing invoices may be entered.
- When editing the transaction you will not have access to the
- invoice number to change it. If the incorrect invoice
- number was entered and saved, you will have to delete the
- PAGE 33
- transaction and reenter it with the correct invoice number.
- If you are paying more than one invoice, whether it be a
- partial payment or full payments, select (2) multiple
- invoices. All the vendor invoices will be displayed on the
- screen. Highlight the invoice to pay and press F3 to add
- the payment. You may enter a partial payment amount or a
- full payment amount for any number of invoices. If you need
- to delete a payment, highlight the invoice and press F4. To
- edit a payment, highlight the invoice and press F5. If you
- are not on a payment a message will be displayed. Press
- Escape to continue.
- If you are paying one or more invoices in full, then select
- (3) mass payment. All the vendor invoices will be displayed
- on the screen. Highlight the invoices you are paying and
- press F9 to signify the invoices have been paid. Press F10
- to change the invoice from paid to unpaid. The payment
- generated will be for the total of all invoices marked as
- paid. No partial payments may be entered through the mass
- payment option. Press Escape to continue.
- After making the payments you will need to indicated if this
- is a Computer printed check or a manual check. If you
- answer 'C' for a computer check, you will not have to enter
- a check number. We track the computer checks for you.
- Also, the computer checks must be printed out through the
- Print Checks option before posting.
- If you answer 'M' for a manual check, you must enter in a
- check number. Next it will prompt you for the checking
- account number. This will default to the checking account
- number in the General ID file. If you have multiple
- checking accounts you can enter the proper account you want
- the payment to be taken from. You will then be prompted to
- enter in a payment description which will be displayed on
- the vendor aging report and statements. You can also enter
- a check reference number which can be printed on the checks.
- C. Direct Check Writing
- This option will allow you to write checks with or without
- setting up the vendor file. When writing direct checks you
- do not need to pay a particular invoice. These checks will
- also be sent to the check reconciliation file.
- The number will increment automatically. If you need to
- edit a previous check, just enter the number and it will be
- displayed for editing. If you need to delete a check press
- enter until you are in the Pay to the Order field, then
- press CTRL+W. Next enter the date of the check, it will
- default to the current DOS date.
- You may then specify a vendor code. If a vendor code is
- specified the company name and address will be filled in for
- you, but may be edited. You may set up the people you write
- checks to frequently, as vendors, so you do not have to type
- PAGE 34
- in their name and address each time a check is made out to
- them. You may also press F4 to display the vendors on the
- screen. If no vendor is specified you will need to enter in
- who you are making the check out to and the address, if
- necessary. Now you will need to enter in the amount of the
- check. You may specify a memo that will print on the check.
- Remember customize your computer printed checks, select F9
- (Utilities) from the main menu and then customized
- printouts.
- A screen will appear for the disbursement of the check. You
- may enter up to four disbursements. Enter in the account
- number of the disbursement and the amount. You may press F2
- for an account listing on the screen. The total of the
- disbursements must equal the amount of the check in order to
- exit. Press the Page Down key to exit. In order to delete
- a disbursement, you must highlight the account number and
- then press CTRL+W.
- Now you must indicate if the check is a manual or computer
- check. Computer checks must be printed out through the
- print checks option. The check number of a computer check
- will be generated automatically when printing. If you
- indicate the check is a manual check it will then prompt you
- for the check number.
- You can also enter a check reference which can be printed
- out on checks. A job number must be entered if job costing
- is activated.
- D. Journal-Print
- 1. Payables-Invoices/Transactions
- This report will print out all invoice transactions entered
- through the Payables module. This journal may be printed to
- the printer, displayed on the screen, or sent to a file.
- This journal should be printed out on paper before posting,
- because after posting you will not be able to edit the
- transactions.
- The report includes the transaction number, vendor code and
- name, invoice number, date of the transaction, due date and
- type of transaction. Type 'I' is for an invoice and type
- 'D' is for a miscellaneous debit.
- Also the account numbers and account names along with the
- description will be shown. The amount debited and credited
- for each account will also be displayed and totaled.
- 2. Payments Journal
- This report will print out all payments made. It will
- display the transaction number, vendor number and name,
- invoice number, date, check number, check type, and the
- amount paid toward the invoice. The check types are 'M' for
- a manual check and 'C' for a computer check. This report
- may be displayed on the screen, printed, or sent to a file.
- This journal should be printed out on paper before posting
- PAGE 35
- because after posting you will not be able to edit the
- transactions.
- 3. Direct Check Journal
- This option will print a journal of all the direct checks.
- The report may be displayed on screen, sent to the printer,
- or to a file. It will show the check number and who each
- check was made out to. The type of check will also be
- displayed, either M for manual or C for a computer check.
- Next, all the disbursements will be shown. It will display
- the account numbers and the amount of each disbursement.
- The total of all checks will be displayed at the end of the
- journal.
- E. Disbursements Journal
- This option will print out your cash disbursements journal.
- It is a breakdown of your cash spent for each account. It
- will display each account number and name with a description
- of what the cash was spent on. The amount made for each
- entry, either debit or credit, and a running total of each
- account. This report may be displayed on the screen,
- printed out on paper, or sent to a file.
- F. Print Checks
- This option will allow you to print out your computer checks
- from the cash payments and direct check writing option. It
- will first ask if you want to reprint checks. If you answer
- 'N' it will print the checks that have not been printed. It
- will first ask if the printer is on-line and if the checks
- are aligned. Then it will prompt you for the starting check
- number. This will default to one more than the last check
- number in the Check Alignment option, but may be changed.
- If you answer 'Y' to reprint checks it will reprint any
- checks that have already been printed out. First it will
- ask if your printer is on-line and if the checks are
- aligned. Then it will ask which checks to reprint. Enter
- in the check numbers to reprint in the From and To fields.
- Then it will prompt you for the starting check number. This
- will default to one more than the last check number in the
- Check Alignment option, but may be changed.
- Remember to customize the way the check prints out, use the
- check alignment option in F9(Utilities) from the main menu.
- G. Payables-Posting Process
- Be sure and print out all journals and make a backup before
- running this process. This process will update all vendor
- balances, vendor and product historical information, job
- costing information, if activated, and put all invoices in
- the open invoice file. You will no longer be able to edit
- any invoices or payments made through this module after
- posting. Before you can post you must print out all
- computer checks.
- PAGE 36
- You will be prompted to enter a posting date. This is the
- date on the summary sent to the ledger. A summary of all
- debits and credits will be sent to the ledger. The total
- debits and credits will be displayed on the screen after the
- posting process is finished, this total should always be
- equal.
- This summary may be viewed in the ledger by entering in AP
- as the journal, and the transaction number will be the date.
- Example, if you posted on March 14, enter 03/14 as the
- transaction number and AP as the journal. The summary post
- will be displayed on the screen, but may not be edited.
- H. Payables-Recurring Entries
- 1. Payables-Enter Recurring Entries
- When entering recurring entries it will work the same as
- entering in regular transaction entries. The transaction
- number will be incremented automatically but is used as a
- reference number only. Once the entries are generated and
- sent to the regular transaction file they will be given a
- new transaction number. It will be the next number in
- sequence in the transaction file.
- The first thing you will enter is a recurring code. This
- code will be used when generating the recurring entries.
- When you generate the entries it will ask for what code.
- You will pick the code and it will generate all the
- recurring entries that have that particular code.
- Everything else will work the same as when you enter a
- regular transaction.
- 2. Payables-Print Recurring Entries
- When printing the recurring entries you may display the
- report on the screen, send it to the printer, or send it to
- a file. It will show the recurring number, vendor code and
- name, and each line item entered with a total of the debits
- and credits. It will also display the recurring code for
- each entry.
- 3. Payables-Generate Entries
- This option will allow you to generate the recurring
- entries. It will ask you for the recurring code to generate
- for. Once you select the code it will generate all entries
- that have this recurring code. They will be sent to the
- transaction file and you can edit them through the
- Enter/Edit transaction option. The transaction numbers will
- be assigned automatically with the next numbers in sequence.
- If you print out a Invoice/Transaction listing the recurring
- entries generated will be included in this report.
- A. Enter/Edit Transactions
- When making entries in the Ledger you first have to enter in
- PAGE 37
- a Journal code. There are five protected journals. These
- journals are BI, AR, AP, PO, and IV. After posting in the
- Billing, Receivables, Payables, Received P.O., and Inventory
- Adjustments, and Fixed Assets summary transactions are sent
- to the Ledger with these journal codes. These summary
- transactions may be looked at through the Ledger, but they
- may not be edited.
- To view the summary transactions in the Ledger, enter in the
- journal code and the date as the transaction number. For
- example, if you posted the purchases module on April 12, the
- journal would be PO and the transaction number would be
- 04/12.
- You may use whatever journal codes you like when entering
- Ledger transactions. For example, you may use GJ for
- General Journal. Once a journal code is entered you can
- enter the Transaction Number, which may be any alphanumeric
- character. If a transaction has already been entered with
- the Journal Code and Transaction Number, it will be
- displayed on the screen and you may edit or delete the line
- items, providing it has not been posted. Posted
- transactions may be viewed but not edited. The Date field
- defaults to the DOS date.
- Next, you must enter the Chart of Account number which you
- are going to debit or credit. If you do not know the
- number, press F2 and the Chart of Accounts will be displayed
- on the screen.
- If the account number is not found on file, you have the
- option to add the account at this time. After the number is
- entered the Account Name will be displayed. Then enter in a
- description in the description field. Next, enter in the
- amount in the proper debit or credit column. The total of
- the debits and credits will be totaled at the bottom.
- A transaction has to be in balance, debits equal credits,
- before you are able to process the transaction. Once debits
- equal credits, leave the Account Number field blank and
- press enter and the transaction will be saved. You may
- enter as many line items as needed, consisting of debits and
- credits. If you fill up the screen, the screen will clear
- and you will be at the top of the next screen. Page Up and
- Page Down will allow you to move through all line items
- entered.
- To edit a transaction, put in the proper Journal and
- Transaction number and the transaction will be displayed on
- the screen. To delete a line press CTRL+W in the Account
- Number field, and the line item will be deleted.
- When editing, Page Down takes you to the next line item and
- Page Up takes you to the previous line item. Pressing
- ESCape while in the Journal Code takes you back to the
- Ledger Menu.
- PAGE 38
- B. Account Activity Report
- This report will print out either current or historical
- activity for one account, all accounts, or a range of
- accounts in the ledger. Just specify the account range in
- the FROM and TO fields. You will be prompted for a current
- activity report or a historical activity report. The
- current report will print the current months entries that
- have not been closed out by the General Ledger end of month
- routine.
- If you specify to update the Ledger historical file when
- doing the end of month routine, the historical report will
- print these entries. Thus, you may get an activity report
- for the whole year. You have the option to send the
- activity report to the printer, display to the screen, or
- send it to a file. The column heading 'P' tells if the
- transactions were posted in the Ledger. A 'Y' indicates it
- has been posted and a 'N' indicates it has not been posted.
- Only posted transactions will be reflected in the trial
- balance and financial statements. Remember all posted
- information will be cleared out when the end of month is
- run.
- C. Journal Report
- This report will print out the current or historical
- transactions for one Journal, all Journals, or a range of
- Journals in the general ledger. Just specify the Journal
- range in the FROM and TO fields. You will be prompted for a
- current activity report or a historical activity report.
- The current report will print the current months entries
- that have not been closed out by the General Ledger end of
- month routine.
- If you specify to update the Ledger historical file when
- doing the end of month routine, the historical report will
- print these entries. Thus, you may get a journal report for
- the whole year. You may also display the report on the
- screen, print it out on the printer, or send it to a file.
- The column heading 'P' tells if the transactions were posted
- in the General Ledger. A 'Y' indicates it has been posted,
- and a 'N' indicates it has not been posted. Only posted
- transactions will be reflected in the trial balance and
- financial statements.
- Remember all posted information will be cleared out when the
- end of month is run. The TOTALS of debits and credits
- should always be equal.
- D. Check Reconciliation
- 1. Check Reconciliation
- Through this option you can reconcile your check book. This
- has no affect on your actual checking account balance.
- First you will be prompted to enter in the checking account
- PAGE 39
- number. You will only reconcile for the checking account
- entered. If you have multiple checking accounts you have to
- reconcile for each individual checking account.
- Then you will be prompted to enter in the bank balance.
- This will be the balance from your statement you receive
- from the bank. The checkbook balance will be taken from
- your checking account balance in the general ledger. This
- will only include transactions that have been posted to this
- checking account in the general ledger.
- Any checks written through the payables and posted will be
- displayed on the screen, including direct checks. It will
- also display any receipts you have received through the
- receivables and billing modules and also any payments made
- through the Purchase module. Remember the deposits and
- checks are displayed if they have been posted. Any unposted
- checks or deposits will not be displayed. You must then
- indicate if they have cleared with your bank. If they
- appear on your bank statement, highlight the check and Press
- F2 to indicate they have cleared. Press F3 and it will
- change it back to outstanding.
- If you need to add a check, Press F5 and then enter the
- check number, vendor, and amount of the check. To add a
- deposit press F6 and enter a reference, vendor, and amount.
- Press escape if you decide not to add a check or deposit
- with the enter check or deposit screen displayed. Press F7
- to add miscellaneous charges such as interest or service
- charges that have affected your checking account. The
- charge will be subtracted, so if it is interest earned enter
- it as a negative amount. If the charges have been entered
- in the ledger and posted, then you do not enter it here.
- Otherwise, enter it here and you will also have to enter it
- in the ledger. Remember this has no affect on your actual
- checking account balance. The total of each category will
- be shown on the bottom of the screen.
- You will then be given a reconciliation report. It will
- show your bank balance plus any outstanding deposits and
- minus any outstanding checks. The total of your checking
- account in the general ledger will be displayed minus any
- miscellaneous charges. The totals will be given, and it
- will show you the difference between the totals. You then
- have the option to print this report out on paper.
- You will then be prompted to purge the check file.
- Answering 'Y' will delete all checks that were marked as
- cleared. Otherwise, the checks will be left in the check
- file. Be sure and print out a check register before purging
- the check file. If purging the check file, you will be
- prompted to update the historical check file. This will
- allow you to save the checks that you have written
- throughout the year, and when printing out the check
- register you can specify to print the historical check
- register file.
- PAGE 40
- Any checks entered, that were not entered through the
- billing and receivable modules will stay in the check file.
- These checks will now show up on the checks and deposits
- screen and you will not have to reenter them. If they have
- cleared you will have to go through and mark them as
- cleared.
- 2. Print Check Register
- This option will print out a current or historical check
- register journal. It will display the check number, vendor,
- amount of the check, and if the check has cleared. It will
- also give you a total of all the outstanding checks. The
- report may be displayed on the screen, sent to a file, or
- sent to the printer.
- You must first indicate if you want a current or historical
- check register. Then it will prompt you to enter in the
- checking account number. This will default to the checking
- account number setup in the general/id file. If you have
- multiple checking accounts enter the proper account number.
- E. Sales Tax Report
- This option will allow you to print a sales tax report for a
- range of clients with a given date range. The report may be
- displayed on the screen, sent to a file, or sent to the
- printer. The report will show the client number, name, and
- phone number. Beneath this the invoice numbers, date of
- invoice, description, and sales tax amounts will be shown
- for each clients invoice. The information for this report
- comes from the historical client file, which you can update
- when posting the Billing module.
- F. Ledger-Posting Process
- The posting process updates the general ledger account
- balances. Once this process is run, you will not be able to
- edit the transactions entered. If an error in input was
- made, you will have to make a reversing entry to correct it.
- Account balances will not be updated on the financial
- statements or trial balance until the posting process is
- run. Always be sure and make backups before doing any
- posting process. The 'N' in the column heading 'P' in the
- account activity journal report will now be set to 'Y',
- indicating the transactions have been posted.
- After answering 'Y', to start posting, you will be prompted
- to enter in the month to post. If you enter in month 3, it
- will only post transactions that have a March date. Any
- entries entered for another month will not be posted.
- After the posting process is complete, a screen will appear
- indicating the process is complete. If any errors occurred
- during the process they will be indicated on the screen.
- The total debits and credits posted will also be displayed.
- The total debits should always equal the total credits.
- PAGE 41
- G. Ledger-Recurring Entries
- 1.Ledger-Enter/Edit Transactions(Recurring)
- When making Ledger recurring entries, editing and deleting
- the entry works the same as entering in a regular Ledger
- transaction. The only difference is after the Journal code
- and transaction number are entered you will be prompted for
- a Recurring Code. You have codes 1-9 to choose from. Each
- transaction will be saved with this recurring code and when
- you want to generate the recurring entries you just specify
- what code to generate for.
- You will not enter a transaction date. This date will be
- generated when you generate the recurring entries. For
- example, if you generate entries with code 1 on March 31,
- all entries that have a recurring code of 1 will be sent to
- the Ledger with a transaction date of March 31. If you have
- an entry already in the Ledger with the same Journal and
- transaction number, the new entry will be appended to the
- entry already in the Ledger.
- One thing to be aware of, if you generate a recurring entry
- and you happen to have a posted entry already in the ledger
- with the same journal and transaction number you will not be
- able to edit the unposted recurring entry. You will have to
- close out the Ledger to clear out the part that is posted
- and the recurring entry will stay in the Ledger. If you do
- not need to edit it you can post for that month.
- 2. Ledger-Print Recurring Entries
- This option will allow you to print, display, or send your
- recurring entries to a file. This report will show the
- Journal code, transaction number, account number and
- description, description of the transaction, debit and
- credit entries with totals, and the recurring code number.
- 3. Ledger-Generate Recurring Entries
- This option will generate your recurring entries. It will
- prompt you for the recurring code to generate for. Only
- entries with this recurring code will be sent to the Ledger.
- This process may be run as often as needed. There will be
- no indication that the process has already been run, so if
- you run it twice in one month and were only supposed to run
- it once, you will have to go to the ledger and delete out
- extra line items.
- A. General Ledger Reports
- 1. Trial Balance
- This report will give a listing of all accounts in the
- general ledger and their balances. You may also specify to
- print for only active accounts. The account balances are
- updated when the posting process, is run in the General
- Ledger. It will display the accounts beginning balance,
- PAGE 42
- this month's balance, and the current balance. The current
- balance is the beginning balance plus this month's balance.
- After the end of the month is run, this month balance resets
- to zero and is added to the beginning balance. The totals
- of all debits and credits are shown at the end of the report
- and should always be equal. This report can be displayed on
- the screen, printed out to keep for your records, or sent to
- a file.
- 2. Income Statement
- This report displays all Revenue and Expense accounts in the
- general ledger and their balances. But you may include only
- active accounts if you wish. The balances of these accounts
- are updated when the posting process is run in the General
- Ledger. Like the Trial Balance it shows the beginning
- balance, this month's balance, and the current balance. It
- will give you a total of all your revenues and the total of
- all your expenses. The net income displayed is the total
- revenues minus the total expenses.
- After the end of the month is run, this month balance resets
- to zero and is added to the beginning balance. This report
- can be displayed on screen, printed out, or sent to a file.
- 3. Balance Sheet
- This report displays all Assets, Liabilities, and Equity
- accounts in the General Ledger and their balances. You may
- choose to include only active accounts for this report. The
- balances of these accounts are updated when the posting
- process is run in the General Ledger. Like the Trial
- Balance it shows the beginning balance, this month's
- balance, and the current balance. It will give you a total
- of all your Assets and the total of all Liabilities plus
- Equity. Liabilities plus Equity should equal the total
- Assets.
- After the end of the month is run, this month's balance
- resets to zero and is added to the beginning balance. This
- report can be displayed on the screen, sent to a printer, or
- sent to a file.
- 4. Chart of Accounts
- This report will print a listing of all your Chart of
- Accounts. It will print Account Number, Account Name, and
- the type of Account. This report can be displayed on the
- screen, sent to a printer, or sent to a file.
- 5. Job Costing Statement
- This report will show information pertaining to a particular
- job. Enter the job number for which you want to print a
- statement. Only posted information will show on this
- statement.
- The report will list all posted revenue pertaining to this
- job. They will be broken down by account number. The
- breakdown of expenses will also be shown, along with a
- PAGE 43
- total. Then a net income amount will be shown, which is the
- total revenue minus the expenses. This report can be
- displayed on the screen, sent to a printer, or sent to a
- file.
- B. Receivable Reports
- 1. Statements-Clients
- This option prints out the statements for each client. You
- are able to print statements for one client, all clients, or
- a range of clients. You can also specify an invoice date
- range. The statements may be display to the screen, printed
- out on one of your customized formats, or sent to a file.
- It will prompt you to select the customized form to print
- out on. The statements contain any invoices or payments
- made for a client. This reminder can be sent to a client to
- show how much the client was charged and show all payments
- the client has made on their invoices. Then it will display
- the amount that the client currently owes. It will also
- print out a line of text reminding the client that their
- invoice is past due or any message you have set up in the
- statement text in the Utilities menu.
- This report should be printed out once a month before the
- end of the month is run. When the end of the month is run,
- all invoices are matched up with payments, and if the net
- balance is zero, the invoice and payments will be deleted
- from the file. This means they will not appear on next
- month's statement.
- 2. Aging Report-Clients
- This report is designed to print out all invoices and
- payments made for all clients. It will display the client
- code, and client name and phone number. Then it will list
- all invoices, the date of the invoice, and when it is due.
- The column heading 'C' will tell where each invoice or
- payment was made. An 'I' stands for an invoice made through
- the receivables module. The letter 'P' is for any payment
- made through the cash receipts option of the receivables
- module. A 'B' is for an invoice made through the billing
- module.
- If a payment was recorded in the billing module at the time
- the invoice was made, only the remaining amount will be
- displayed on this report. If the invoice has not yet come
- due, it will fall under the column heading 'Future Due'.
- For invoices that are zero to thirty days past due, they
- will be displayed under the column '0/-30'. Payments are
- recorded with a negative sign in front of the amount paid.
- The client totals give a total of how much the client owes
- for each column heading. This way you will know how much
- the client owes and if any of that amount is past due. You
- also have the option to display this report on the screen to
- look at the clients billing information, send it to a
- printer, or send it to a file.
- PAGE 44
- This report should be printed out once a month before the
- end of the month is run. When the end of the month is run,
- all invoices are matched up with payments, and if the net
- balance is zero, the invoice and payments will be deleted
- from the file. This means they will not appear on next
- month's aging report.
- 3. Client-Directory
- This report will print out all information entered for each
- client in the client file. You may print out a directory
- for any range of clients by entering the range in the From
- and To option when printing this report. This report may be
- displayed on the screen before actually printing, sent to
- the printer, or sent to a file.
- 4. Client-Labels
- This option will print out labels for any range of clients.
- The client's name, company, and address will be printed on
- the label. Enter the range desired to print out in the From
- and To option. These may be used for mailing purposes.
- 5. Client-Historical Invoices
- This option will print out all the services, products, and
- messages for each client that were made throughout the year.
- You may print this report to paper, display it on the
- screen, or send it to a file. This report can be printed
- for one client, a range of clients, or all clients.
- C. Payables Reports
- 1. Aging Report-Vendors
- This report is designed to print out all invoices and
- payments made for all vendors. It will display the vendor
- code, and the vendor name and phone number. Then it will
- list all invoices, the date of the invoice, and when it is
- due. The column heading 'C' will tell if it is an invoice
- or a payment. An 'I' stands for an invoice entered through
- the payables module. The letter 'P' is for any payment made
- through the cash payments option of the payables module.
- The 'R' is for any Received Purchase Orders entered through
- the Purchases Module.
- If a payment was recorded in the purchases module at the
- time the invoice was made, only the remaining amount will be
- displayed on this report. If the invoice has not yet come
- due, it will fall under the column heading 'Future Due'.
- Invoices that are zero to thirty days past due will be
- displayed under the column '0/-30'. Payments are recorded
- with a negative sign in front of the amount paid.
- The vendor totals give a total of how much you owe the
- vendor for each column heading. This way you will know how
- many outstanding debts you have and if any are past due.
- You also have the option to display this report on the
- screen to look at your status with a vendor, send it to the
- printer, or send it to a file.
- PAGE 45
- This report should be printed out once a month before the
- end of the month is run. When the end of the month is run,
- all invoices are matched up with payments, and if the net
- balance is zero, the invoice and payments will be deleted
- from the file. This means they will not appear on next
- month's aging report.
- 2. Vendor-Directory
- This report will print out all information entered for each
- vendor in the vendor file. You may print out a directory
- for any range of vendors by entering the range in the From
- and To option when printing this report. This report may be
- displayed on the screen, sent to a printer, or sent to a
- file.
- 3. Vendor-Labels
- This option will print out labels for any range of vendors.
- Your contact, vendor company, and address will be printed on
- the label. Enter the range to be printed in the From and To
- option. These may be used for mailing purposes.
- D. Service/Product Reports
- 1. Service Listing
- Through this option you can print a listing of your services
- file. These may be printed out on paper, displayed on the
- screen, or sent to a file. You have the option of printing
- any range of services, departments, and classes. Enter in
- the range to be printed in the appropriate From and To
- options. This listing may be used for quick reference. It
- will show the code, description, and cost for each service,
- along with the department and class.
- 2. Product Listing
- Through this option you can print a listing of your products
- file. These may be printed out on paper, displayed on the
- screen, or sent to a file. You have the option of printing
- any range of products, departments, and classes. Enter the
- range to be printed in the appropriate From and To options.
- This listing may be used for quick reference. It will show
- the product code, description, price, cost, on order units,
- committed units, on hand units, on hand dollar value, and
- the associated Cost of Goods sold and Sales account number
- along with the department and class. Also a total of all on
- hand dollars will be displayed.
- 3. Message Listing
- Through this option you can print a listing of your message
- file. These may be printed out on paper, displayed on the
- screen, or sent to a file. You also have the option of
- printing any range of messages. Enter in the range to be
- printed in the From and To option. This listing may be used
- for quick reference.
- 4. Job Listing
- Through this option you can print a listing of all jobs on
- file. These may be printed out on paper, displayed on the
- PAGE 46
- screen, or sent to a file. You have the option of printing
- any range of jobs. Enter in the range to be printed in the
- From and To option. This listing may be used for quick
- reference. It will display the job number, description, and
- the number of jobs listed.
- E. Historical Reports
- 1. Client Historical
- This option will print out the historical sales units and
- sales dollars for each client. You may print this report to
- paper, display it on the screen, or send it to a file. This
- report can be printed for one client, a range of clients, or
- all clients. It will display the client number, company,
- month to date units sold and dollar value, year to date
- units sold and dollar value, and last year units sold and
- dollar value. Each periods units and dollars will have a
- total at the end of the report.
- 2. Vendor Historical
- This option will print out the historical purchase units and
- purchase dollars for each vendor. You may print this report
- to paper, display it on the screen, or send it to a file.
- This report can be printed for one vendor, a range of
- vendors, or all vendors. It will display the vendor number,
- company, month to date units purchased and dollar value,
- year to date units purchased and dollar value, and last year
- units purchased and dollar value. Each periods units and
- dollars will have a total at the end of the report.
- 3. Product Historical
- This option will print out the historical purchase and sales
- units and dollars for each product. You may print this
- report to paper, display it on the screen, or send it to a
- file. This report can be printed for one product, a range
- of products, or all products. Plus you may indicate a range
- of department and classes to include. It will display the
- product number, description, department, class, month to
- date units purchased and dollar value, month to date units
- sold and dollar value, year to date units purchased and
- dollar value, year to date units sold and dollar value, last
- year units purchased and dollar value, and last year units
- sold and dollar value.
- 4. Service Historical
- This option will print out the historical sales units and
- dollars for each service. You may print this report to
- paper, display it on the screen, or send it to a file. This
- report can be printed for one service, a range of services,
- or all services. Plus you may indicate a range of
- department and classes to include. It will display the
- service number, description, department, class, month to
- date units sold and dollar value, year to date units sold
- and dollar value, and last year units sold and dollar value.
- F. Salesman Report
- Through this option you can print a listing of all sales
- PAGE 47
- people on file. These may be printed out on paper,
- displayed on the screen, or sent to a file. You have the
- option of printing any range of sales people. Enter in the
- range to be printed in the From and To option. This listing
- may be used for quick reference. It will display the sales
- persons code, name, month to date commission, year to date
- commission, and last year commission. Totals will also be
- displayed for each commission column.
- A. General Ledger-End of the Month
- Before running any of the end of the period routines, be
- sure and make a backup of your data files. This routine
- will remove all POSTED transactions in the General Ledger
- file. This month's balance will be added to the beginning
- balance, and then this month's balance will reset to zero.
- Be sure and print out all General Ledger reports before this
- process is run. If a report was not printed, you can always
- restore your backup and print out the report and rerun the
- process.
- You will be prompted to Update the General Ledger Historical
- File, if you answer 'Y' all entries will be saved to the
- historical file. This will allow you to print out
- historical journal and account activity reports throughout
- the year. If you answer 'N' the entries will just be
- cleared out and not saved for historical reports.
- After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear
- indicating that the process is complete. If any errors
- occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the
- screen.
- B. Receivables-End of the Month
- Before running any of the end of the period routines, be
- sure and make a backup of your data files. This routine
- will match up all POSTED cash receipts and invoices. If
- they have a net balance of zero, they will be deleted from
- the file, unless it is a hold invoice. Be sure and print
- out all receivable reports before this process is run. You
- must POST the receivables module and the billing module
- before you can run this process. It will notify you if
- there are any unposted transactions in the receivables and
- billing modules. Also the month to date historical sales
- units and dollars will be zeroed out.
- After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear
- indicating that the process is complete. If any errors
- occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the
- screen.
- Any invoices which have a balance of zero will no longer
- appear on the aging report or the client statements. The
- cash receipts will also be deleted from the file. You can
- PAGE 48
- restore your backup if you need to print any reports not
- printed out and rerun this process.
- C. Payables-End of the Month
- Before running any of the end of the period routines, be
- sure and make a backup of your data files. This routine
- will remove all open invoices with a net balance of zero
- from the payables file. Be sure and print out all payable
- reports before this process is run. You MUST post the
- payables module before this process can be run. It will
- notify you if there are any unposted transactions in the
- payables module. Also the month to date historical purchase
- units and dollars will be zeroed out.
- After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear
- indicating that the process is complete. If any errors
- occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the
- screen.
- Any invoices which have a balance of zero will no longer
- appear on the aging report or on vendor statements. The
- payments made on these invoices will also be deleted from
- the file. You can restore your backup if you need to print
- any reports not printed out and rerun this process.
- D. Inventory End of Month
- Before running any of the end of the period routines, be
- sure and make a backup of your data files. This routine
- will zero out the historical month to date units sold and
- dollar value and the month to date units purchased and
- dollar value.
- After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear
- indicating that the process is complete. If any errors
- occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the
- screen.
- E. Commission End of Month
- Before running any of the end of the period routines, be
- sure and make a backup of your data files. This routine
- will zero out the historical month to date commission units
- sold and dollar value, along with the month to date
- commission earned.
- After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear
- indicating that the process is complete. If any errors
- occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the
- screen.
- F. End of Year-General Ledger
- Before running any of the end of the period routines, be
- sure and make a backup of your data files. It will clear
- out all revenue and expenses to your profit-and-loss
- account. The balance of all the revenues minus the expenses
- will now be contained in the profit/loss account. The
- PAGE 49
- expense and revenue accounts will now have balances of zero.
- At this time it will prompt you to Purge the General Ledger
- Historical file. If you answer 'Y' all previous historical
- information for the Ledger will be deleted. If you answer
- 'N' the information will remain on file. It will also ask
- if you want to Purge the Check Historical File. If you
- answer 'Y' all previous historical information in the check
- file will be deleted. If you answer 'N' the information
- will remain on file. Also it will prompt you to Zero your
- Budget Balances. If you answer 'Y' all your budget amounts
- will be set to zero. If you answer 'N' your budget balances
- will remain in the account file.
- It will prompt you to verify that you have entered in your
- proper profit/loss account. If you are unsure of your
- profit-and-loss account, just press F2 and a listing of all
- your chart of accounts will be displayed on the screen.
- Then it will prompt you to verify that you want to run this
- process.
- G. Roll Historical Ytd Figures
- Before running any of the end of the period routines, be
- sure and make a backup of your data files. This routine
- will zero out the historical year to date figures and put
- them in the last year totals. When running this process you
- can indicate which historical figures to reset. You can
- reset all or any combination of the following historical
- information: vendor file, client file, product service
- file, or sales person file.
- After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear
- indicating that the process is complete. If any errors
- occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the
- screen.
- H. Historical Invoice Purge
- Before running any of the end of the period routines, be
- sure and make a backup of your data files. You will be
- prompted for a date range, all historical invoice
- information entered between these dates will be deleted.
- You will be asked to verify your actions before the records
- are deleted.
- I. Historical Tax Purge
- Before running any of the end of the period routines, be
- sure and make a backup of your data files. You will be
- prompted for a date range, all historical sales tax
- information entered between these dates will be deleted.
- You will be asked to verify your actions before the records
- are deleted.
- PAGE 50
- J. Budgeting
- 1. Enter/Edit Budget
- This option allows you to enter in your budget for all your
- expense and revenue accounts. The arrow keys allow you to
- move up, down, and across the screen. You can also Page Up
- and Page Down through the accounts. Home will take you to
- the first field on the screen of the line you are on and End
- will take you to the last field on the screen of the current
- line. CTRL+Home will take you to the Account number of the
- current line and CTRL+End will take you to the December
- budget field of the current line. CTRL+Page Up will take
- you to the first Revenue account and CTRL+Page Down will
- take you to the last Expense account and keep you in the
- same field.
- When you are on the field you want to enter in the budget
- figure for, you must press Enter before you can enter an
- amount. After you enter the amount you must press enter
- again to save the entry. Then arrow to the next entry and
- press enter and then enter in the budget amount and then
- press enter to save it and so on. Press Escape to exit the
- budget.
- 2. Print Budget Report
- This report will print out all the budget figures for your
- expense and revenue accounts. It may be displayed on the
- screen, printed out to your printer, or sent to a file. It
- will show each account name with the budget figures for each
- month along with totals for each type of account and total
- Revenue and Expense and your Net Income. You have the
- option to include inactive accounts.
- 3. Print Actual Report
- This report will print out all the actual balances for your
- expense and revenue accounts. It may be displayed on the
- screen, printed out to your printer, or sent to a file. It
- will show each account name with the actual balances for
- each month along with totals for each type of account and
- total Revenue and Expense and your Net Income. You have the
- option to include inactive accounts.
- 4. Print Variance Report
- This report will print out all the actual balances and your
- budget figures for your expense and revenue accounts. It
- may be displayed on the screen, printed out to your printer,
- or sent to a file. It will show each account name with the
- actual balances and the budget amount along with the
- difference between the two figures and totals for each type
- of account. Also totals for revenue and expense actual,
- budgeted, and the difference amounts will be displayed. The
- final total will show the Actual Net Income and Budgeted Net
- Income and the difference. You have the option to include
- inactive accounts.
- PAGE 51
- K. Fixed Assets
- 1. Enter/Edit Fixed Assets
- Here is where you can enter in all your fixed assets and we
- will calculate the depreciation for you. First you must
- enter the Asset Code. This will be used to identify the
- asset. Next the description should be entered, and the
- Asset value. The residual value is the expected value of
- the asset after complete depreciation. The depreciation
- taken, is the total amount of depreciation that has been
- taken on the asset to-date. The current value will be
- calculated, this is the asset value less the depreciation
- taken. The asset life is the expected life of the asset,
- and the age of the asset is the number of years that the
- asset has been in use.
- You will have a choice of three types of depreciation:
- 1) Straight-Line
- 2) Declining-Balance
- 3) Sum-of-the years-digit.
- Finally, you must enter in the account for the Asset
- Depreciation, and the Asset Expense account. These accounts
- will be debited and credited when the Generate Fixed Assets
- option is run.
- Straight-Line Depreciation
- The straight-line depreciation method provides for equal
- periodic charges to expense over the estimated life of the
- asset. For example, assume that a computer was purchased
- for $16,000 with a residual value of $1,000, and its
- estimated life is 5 years. The annual depreciation would be
- computed as follows:
- (16,000 cost - 1000 residual) / 5years = 3,000 annual depreciation
- Declining-Balance Method
- The declining-balance method gives a declining periodic
- depreciation charge over the estimated life of the asset.
- In this method you apply double the straight-line
- depreciation rate computed without regard to residual value.
- For example, assume that a computer was purchased for
- $16,000, and its estimated life is 5 years. The annual
- depreciation would be computed as follows:
- New
- Yr Cost Acc. Dep. Book Value Rate Dep.Yr Book Value
- 1 16,000 ____ 16,000 40% 6,400 9,600
- 2 16,000 6,400 9,600 40% 3,840 5,760
- 3 16,000 10,240 5,760 40% 2,304 3,456
- 4 16,000 12,544 3,456 40% 1,382 2,073
- 5 16,000 13,926 2,073 40% 829 1,244
- PAGE 52
- Sum-of-the-Years-Digits Method
- The sum-of-the-years-digits methods gives results similar to
- those derived by using the declining-balance method. The
- periodic charge for depreciation declines steadily over the
- estimated life of the asset because a successively smaller
- percentage is applied each year. The denominator of the
- fractions is the sum of the digits representing the years of
- life. For, example, assume that a computer was purchased
- for $16,000, with a residual value of $1,000, and its
- estimated life is 5 years. The annual depreciation would be
- computed as follows:
- The denominator is 5+4+3+2+1 or 15.
- Yr Cost-Residual Rate Dep. Accum Dep Book Value
- 1 15,000 5/15 5,000 5,000 11,000
- 2 15,000 4/15 4,000 9,000 7,000
- 3 15,000 3/15 3,000 12,000 4,000
- 4 15,000 2/15 2,000 14,000 2,000
- 5 15,000 1/15 1,000 15,000 1,000
- 2. Print Fixed Assets
- This will allow you to print out all fixed assets entered
- through the Fixed Asset module. You may display the report
- on the screen, print it out on paper, or send it to a file.
- The report will show the asset code and description along
- with the depreciation asset account number and expense
- account number. It will also show the Life of the asset,
- original value, depreciation taken, residual value, age of
- the asset, depreciation method code, and the current value.
- 3. Generate Asset Entries
- This will generate the depreciation for your fixed assets.
- The entry will be sent to the Ledger with a transaction code
- of FA and the current date as the transaction number. All
- the proper fields for the fixed assets will be updated.
- This should only be run once a year. If it is run more than
- once a year by accident, you will have to go in and reenter
- the fields with their proper numbers.
- If the life is zero or if the Age is equal to or greater
- than the life, no depreciation will be calculated for that
- particular fixed asset.
- This entry may be viewed in the ledger by entering in FA as
- the journal, and the transaction number will be the date.
- Example, if you generated on March 14, enter 03/14 as the
- transaction number and FA as the journal.
- L. Job Costing Purge
- Before running any of the end of the period routines, be
- sure and make a backup of your data files. This process
- will allow you delete out information kept for a job or any
- range of jobs. Enter the range of jobs to delete in the
- from and to option. All information kept for jobs that fall
- PAGE 53
- between this range will be deleted.
- A. Color Parameters
- This option allows you to customize your screen color
- attributes. All possible color combinations will be
- displayed with a corresponding number. Just enter this
- number in the option you wish to change.
- Following is a brief description of each option available
- for change.
- Standard: This is the color of all menus and data entry
- routines.
- Enhanced: This will be the color of the fields currently
- available for input.
- Active: This is the color to the current field, i.e.,
- where the cursor is located.
- Calc/Npad: This is the color of the pop-up calculator and
- notepad.
- Status: This will be the color of the status line
- displayed at the top of the screen at all times.
- Window: This is the windows that pop up for various input
- options.
- View: This will be the color of the screen when
- displaying lists of clients, vendors, etc. on
- the screen.
- Help: This is the color of all help panels.
- It will then ask if you want to set the intensity off. If
- you set the intensity off, the blocked cursor will no longer
- be in a blocked form. It will display the colors you chose
- and ask if these are the colors you wish to use. If you
- answer yes it will save these as your colors. If you do not
- like the colors you have chosen answer no and it will take
- you back to the color options and you may change them.
- B. File Sizes
- This option will display how many records are used for each
- file. The Accounts file contains your chart of accounts.
- The Client file contains your clients. Service, Message,
- and Product file are one file that contain all the services,
- messages, and Products. Vendor file contains all the
- vendors entered.
- The invoice file contains the invoice information entered
- through the Billing module. The invoice lines are each line
- item entered for each invoice.
- The AR Open Invoice file contains all the open invoices
- entered. The Receivable file contains all receivable
- invoice information. The Receivable Lines are each line
- item entered. This will reset to zero after posting.
- PAGE 54
- The GL transactions file is the number of transaction lines.
- This file takes up one space for each line item entered in
- the Ledger and for each summary transaction sent to the
- Ledger. The GL Recurring file is the number of Recurring
- transaction lines. It also takes one space for each line
- item.
- The AR Recurring contains the Receivable Recurring entries
- header information for each transaction. The AR Recurring
- Lines contain the line items for each Receivable Recurring
- entry. The BI Recurring contains the Billing Recurring
- invoice header information for each invoice. The BI
- Recurring lines contains the line items for each Recurring
- invoice.
- The direct check contains any check made through the Direct
- Check Writing option. The job file contains the jobs. The
- salesman file contains all the sales people. The check file
- contains any check made to a vendor through the Payables
- module.
- The Purchase file contains the Purchase orders and Received
- Purchase Orders header information. The purchase lines
- contain the line items for each Purchase Order and Received
- Purchase Order.
- The AP Open Invoice file contains all the open invoices
- entered. The Payables file contains all payable invoice
- information. The Payable Lines are each line item entered.
- This will reset to zero after the posting process is run.
- The physical inventory contains each line item entered
- through the Adjustments option.
- The Client Records contain information entered through the
- Maintenance-Client option. This is where you have ten lines
- to enter any information on each client.
- The Historical Invoices contains all line items for each
- client if answer yes to update the historical file when
- posting the billing. This also contains the historical
- sales tax information. The Historical checks contains all
- the checks that were saved when you purge the check file by
- answering yes to update the historical file. Historical
- Ledger contains all the ledger transactions that were saved
- when you answer yes to update the historical ledger during
- the closing out of the ledger.
- The AP Recurring contains the Payable Recurring entries
- header information for each transaction. The AP Recurring
- Lines contain the line items for each Payable Recurring
- entry.
- The fixed assets contains each fixed asset entry. The
- appointment schedule contains all appointments entered. The
- Build materials contains the products that make up the
- manufactured goods.
- PAGE 55
- The job log file contains all information for all jobs.
- Price levels contain the different price levels for each
- product.
- C. Reindex Files
- This will go through all your files and reindex them and
- give you more disk space. For example, when you delete out
- information or post, this information is actually still in
- the file but it is marked as deleted. The program will not
- access this information but it is still there. Reindexing
- will get rid of all records marked as deleted and pack the
- other records together giving you more disk space.
- D. Sales Tax Table
- This is where you enter in your sales tax rates and GST tax
- rate. If the tax rate or GST rate is 8% enter it as .08 and
- press enter to save the rate. If the tax rate is 7.125%
- enter it as .07125 and press enter to save the rate. You
- can enter in up to five different rates. In the client and
- vendor file enter in the corresponding number for their
- particular tax rate in the tax rate field. If they are not
- charged tax or do not charge you tax, enter in zero for no
- tax. You may also enter the tax rate f or your CASH
- customers, if you will be using Painless Accounting as a
- Point of Sale system. Also, you can enter a GST rate if it
- is applicable to you. You will also have to activate the
- GST tax in the Configuration setup option.
- E. Calculator
- First enter the beginning number and press enter, followed
- by the math operation and enter, then the second number and
- enter. Repeat this process as many times as needed. The
- total number will be saved, while in Painless Accounting.
- F. Notepad
- This option will allow you to edit a text file. Enter in
- the name of the file, you may also specify a path name. F3
- will delete the line your on and F4 will insert a line
- before the line you are on. F5 will wrap words when you get
- to column 69. F6 turns scroll lock on and off, when off the
- text will scroll when arrowing up and down. Press Escape to
- exit and you will have the option to save the changes. Some
- others keys are as follows:
- Page Up and Down - moves up and down a screen
- CTRL+Left and Right arrow - moves to the previous and next
- word
- CTRL+Page Up and Page Down - takes you to the top and bottom
- of the file
- End and Home takes you to the be end and beginning of a line
- CTRL+Home and End takes you to the top and bottom of a screen.
- PAGE 56
- G. Statement Text
- This is where you can enter in messages that will show up on
- client statements depending on their status. When printing
- out a client statement, one of the messages will appear at
- the bottom of the statement depending on if they have past
- due invoices or not. If they do not have any past due
- invoices the message associated with Current Due will be
- printed on the statement. If they have an invoice that is
- one to thirty days over due the message associated with 1-30
- Days Over Due will appear on the statement and so on.
- H. Backup/Restore Files
- 1. Backup Files
- This option allows you to backup your data(dbf) files
- without leaving the program. It will copy your files into
- another subdirectory on the hard disk. It will prompt you
- to enter in the Backup Drive and Directory. If you enter
- d:\backup as the backup drive and directory it will copy the
- data files to the backup directory on the D:drive. If an
- invalid drive\directory is entered no action will be taken.
- 2. Restore Files
- This option will allow you to restore your data(dbf) files
- without leaving the program. It will prompt you to enter in
- the drive and directory to restore from. Once the files are
- restored it will reindex the files. You should always
- reindex the files once they have been restored. If you do
- not reindex the files the data may not be processed
- properly. If an invalid drive\directory is entered no
- action will be taken.
- I. Customized Printouts
- 1. Client Invoice
- This option will allow you create customized Invoices. You
- must first select the format to modify or press F2 to create
- a new format. Once in the format, F3 will delete the line
- you are on and F4 inserts a line above the line you are on.
- Press F5 for the setup options. This first one allows you
- to indicate the number of lines per page. If you enter 66
- lines and only fill out the format for 40 lines, the last 26
- lines will just be blank. The print type lets you select
- condensed or normal print. If you select normal you have 79
- columns to use. Condensed will give you 131 columns. The
- draw box will let you draw double or single line boxes.
- Printer fonts will let you set up different fonts that your
- printer supports. To edit a font press F4, the F3 key will
- delete the font the cursor is on. If you want to add a font
- press F2. Then you can enter a description and the decimal
- codes for the font. The decimal codes can be found in your
- printer manual.
- In creating a form you may type anything you want to appear
- on the form. If you want it to be bold, position the cursor
- PAGE 57
- prior to what you want to be bold then select printer fonts.
- Highlight the bold font and press enter. This will write
- over the next 15 or so positions and you might have to
- retype some information. The next time you edit the form,
- the 15 or so positions will only display up to 3 positions.
- These are the ASCII characters sent to the printer to tell
- it to print in bold. If you do not want everything in bold
- you will have to select the cancel bold font and put it
- where you want the bold to stop. This works the same for
- all the printer fonts.
- Information can be pulled from the client, invoice, and
- company files. Press F10 to display all the fields that are
- available. Highlight the desired field and press enter and
- it will then be put in the format surrounded by upside down
- exclamation points. The fields that have a 1,2, and 3 are
- the state fields. Any text without upside exclamation
- points surrounding it will be printed as text. Otherwise,
- it will pull the information from the data files. When
- entering the line items for the invoice you MUST put the
- field 'Skip To Next Line Item' at the end of the line. This
- is so it will skip to the next line item in the data file.
- If this is not in your format, all the information for the
- invoice may not be printed on the invoice. You will have to
- create a line in the format, for the number of line items
- that you want to appear on your invoice.
- Press Escape to exit. You will then have the option to save
- your changes. If no changes were made, this option will not
- appear. You may create as many formats as you wish. You
- will always have the option to select from any one of the
- formats when printing invoices or editing the formats.
- 2. Client Statement
- This option will allow you create customized Statements.
- You must first select the format to modify or press F2 to
- create a new format. Once in the format, F3 will delete the
- line you are on and F4 inserts a line above the line you are
- on.
- Press F5 for the setup options. This first one allows you
- to indicate the number of lines per page. If you enter 66
- lines and only fill out the format for 40 lines, the last 26
- lines will just be blank. The print type lets you select
- condensed or normal print. If you select normal you have
- 79 columns to use. Condensed will give you 131 columns.
- The draw box will let you draw double or single line boxes.
- Printer fonts will let you set up different fonts that your
- printer supports. To edit a font press F4, the F3 key will
- delete the font the cursor is on. If you want to add a font
- press F2. Then you can enter a description and the decimal
- codes for the font. The decimal codes can be found in your
- printer manual.
- In creating a form you may type anything you want to appear
- on the form. If you want it to be bold, position the cursor
- prior to what you want to be bold then select printer fonts.
- PAGE 58
- Highlight the bold font and press enter. This will write
- over the next 15 or so positions and you might have to
- retype some information. The next time you edit the form,
- the 15 or so positions will only display up to 3 positions.
- These are the ASCII characters sent to the printer to tell
- it to print in bold. If you do not want everything in bold
- you will have to select the cancel bold font and put it
- where you want the bold to stop. This works the same for
- all the printer fonts.
- Information can be pulled from the client, invoice, and
- company files. Press F10 to display all the fields that are
- available. Highlight the desired field and press enter and
- it will then be put in the format surrounded by upside down
- exclamation points. The fields that have a 1,2, and 3 are
- the state fields. Any text without upside exclamation
- points surrounding it will be printed as text. Otherwise,
- it will pull the information from the data files. When
- entering the line items for the statement you MUST put the
- field 'Skip To Next Line Item' at the end of the line. This
- is so it will skip to the next line item in the data file.
- If this is not in your format, all the information for the
- statement may not be printed. You will have to create a
- line in the format, for the number of line items that you
- want on your statement.
- Press Escape to exit. You will then have the option to save
- your changes. If no changes were made, this option will not
- appear. You may create as many formats as you wish. You
- will always have the option to select from any one of the
- formats when printing statements or editing the formats.
- 3. Purchase Order
- This option will allow you create customized Purchase
- Orders. You must first select the format to modify or press
- F2 to create a new format. Once in the format, F3 will
- delete the current line and F4 inserts a line above the line
- you are on.
- Press F5 for the setup options. This first one allows you
- to indicate the number of lines per page. If you enter 66
- lines and only fill out the format for 40 lines, the last 26
- lines will just be blank. The print type lets you select
- condensed or normal print. If you select normal you have 79
- columns to use. Condensed will give you 131 columns. The
- draw box will let you draw double or single line boxes.
- Printer fonts will let you set up different fonts that your
- printer supports. To edit a font press F4, the F3 key will
- delete the font the cursor is on. If you want to add a font
- press F2. Then you can enter a description and the decimal
- codes for the font. The decimal codes can be found in your
- printer manual.
- In creating a form you may type anything you want to appear
- on the form. If you want it to be bold, position the cursor
- prior to what you want to be bold then select printer fonts.
- Highlight the bold font and press enter. This will write
- PAGE 59
- over the next 15 or so positions and you might have to
- retype some information. The next time you edit the form,
- the 15 or so positions will only display up to 3 positions.
- These are the ASCII characters sent to the printer to tell
- it to print in bold. If you do not want everything in bold
- you will have to select the cancel bold font and put it
- where you want the bold to stop. This works the same for
- all the printer fonts.
- Information can be pulled from the vendor, purchase order,
- and company files. Press F10 to display all the fields that
- are available. Highlight the desired field and press enter
- and it will then be put in the format surrounded by upside
- down exclamation points. The fields that have a 1,2, and 3
- are the state fields. Any text without upside exclamation
- points surrounding it will be printed as text. Otherwise,
- it will pull the information from the data files. When
- entering the line items for the purchase order you MUST put
- the field 'Skip To Next Line Item' at the end of the line.
- This is so it will skip to the next line item in the data
- file. If this is not in your format, all the information
- for the purchase order may not be printed. You will have to
- create a line in the format, for the number of line items
- that you want to appear on your statement.
- Press Escape to exit. You will then have the option to save
- your changes. If no changes were made, this option will not
- appear. You may create as many formats as you wish. You
- will always have the option to select from any one of the
- formats when printing invoices or editing the formats.
- 4. Received P.O.
- This option will allow you create customized Received
- Purchase Orders. You must first select the format to modify
- or press F2 to create a new format. Once in the format, F3
- will delete the line you are on and F4 will insert a line
- above the line you are on.
- Press F5 for the setup options. This first one allows you
- to indicate the number of lines per page. If you enter 66
- lines and only fill out the format for 40 lines, the last 26
- lines will just be blank. The print type lets you select
- condensed or normal print. If you select normal you have 79
- columns to use. Condensed will give you 131 columns. The
- draw box will let you draw double or single line boxes.
- Printer fonts will let you set up different fonts that your
- printer supports. To edit a font press F4, the F3 key will
- delete the font the cursor is on. If you want to add a font
- press F2. Then you can enter a description and the decimal
- codes for the font. The decimal codes can be found in your
- printer manual.
- In creating a form you may type anything you want to appear
- on the form. If you want it to be bold, position the cursor
- prior to what you want to be bold then select printer fonts.
- Highlight the bold font and press enter. This will write
- over the next 15 or so positions and you might have to
- PAGE 60
- retype some information. The next time you edit the form,
- the 15 or so positions will only display up to 3 positions.
- These are the ASCII characters sent to the printer to tell
- it to print in bold. If you do not want everything in bold
- you will have to select the cancel bold font and put it
- where you want the bold to stop. This works the same for
- all the printer fonts.
- Information can be pulled from the vendor, purchase order,
- and company files. Press F10 to display all the fields that
- are available. Highlight the desired field and press enter
- and it will then be put in the format surrounded by upside
- down exclamation points. The fields that have a 1,2, and 3
- are the state fields. Any text without upside exclamation
- points surrounding it will be printed as text. Otherwise,
- it will pull the information from the data files. When
- entering the line items for the received purchase order you
- MUST put the field 'Skip To Next Line Item' at the end of
- the line. This is so it will skip to the next line item in
- the data file. If this is not in your format, all the
- information for the received purchase order may not be
- printed. You will have to create a line in the format, for
- the number of line items that will fit on your received
- purchase order.
- Press Escape to exit. You will then have the option to save
- your changes. If no changes were made, this option will not
- appear. You may create as many formats as you wish. You
- will always have the option to select from any one of the
- formats when printing invoices or editing the formats.
- 5. Check Alignment
- This option will allow you create customized checks. You
- must first select the format to modify or press F2 to create
- a new format. Once in the format, F3 will delete the line
- you are on and F4 inserts a line above the line you are on.
- Press F5 for the setup options. This first one allows you
- to indicate the number of lines per check. If you enter 45
- lines and only fill out the format for 40 lines, the last 5
- lines will just be blank. The print type lets you select
- condensed or normal print. If you select normal you have 79
- columns to use. Condensed will give you 131 columns. The
- draw box will let you draw double or single line boxes.
- Printer fonts will let you set up different fonts that your
- printer supports. To edit a font press F4, the F3 key will
- delete the font the cursor is on. If you want to add a font
- press F2. Then you can enter a description and the decimal
- codes for the font. The decimal codes can be found in your
- printer manual.
- In creating a form you may type anything you want to appear
- on the form. If you want it to be bold, position the cursor
- prior to what you want to be bold then select printer fonts.
- Highlight the bold font and press enter. This will write
- over the next 15 or so positions and you might have to
- retype some information. The next time you edit the form,
- PAGE 61
- the 15 or so positions will only display up to 3 positions.
- These are the ASCII characters sent to the printer to tell
- it to print in bold. If you do not want everything in bold
- you will have to select the cancel bold font and put it
- where you want the bold to stop. This works the same for
- all the printer fonts.
- Information can be pulled from the cash payments or direct
- check files. Press F10 to display all the fields that are
- available. Highlight the desired field and press enter and
- it will then be put in the format surrounded by upside down
- exclamation points. Any text without upside exclamation
- points surrounding it will be printed as text. Otherwise,
- it will pull the information from the data files. When
- entering the invoices to be paid you MUST put the field
- 'Skip To Next Line Item' at the end of the line. This is so
- it will skip to the next invoice for this particular vendor
- in the data file. If this is not in your format, all the
- invoices to be paid not be printed on the check. You will
- have to create a line in the format, for the number of
- invoices you want each check to pay. If you want to pay up
- to 10 invoices per check and only have 3 invoices for a
- vendor, the last 7 lines will be blank. You can also enter
- the check amount field on the stub portion, as a total of
- all invoices paid.
- Press Escape to exit. You will then have the option to save
- your changes. If no changes were made, this option will not
- appear. You may create as many formats as you wish. You
- will always have the option to select from any one of the
- formats when printing the checks or editing the formats.
- J. Video Parameters
- This option allows you to indicate the type of video adapter
- card you have. If you select a type you do not have an
- error message will be displayed. If you select EGA or VGA,
- when entering invoices or transactions, you will have more
- lines displayed on the screen to make line item entries.
- K. Printer Setup
- Select the type of printer you have. If your printer is not
- on the list select a printer compatible to yours. Your
- printer manual will indicate the type of printers yours will
- emulate. If you are unable to find a printer compatible
- with yours highlight OTHER and press enter. This will allow
- you to enter in the proper normal and condensed decimal
- codes for your printer. These codes may be found in your
- printer manual.
- L. Default Descriptions
- This option will allow you to put in your own descriptions
- that will appear on statements and aging reports. When
- making invoices, P.O.'s, Received P.O.'s, AR and AP
- transactions, Cash Payments and Receipts, and AR write offs
- you are prompted to enter in a description that will appear
- PAGE 62
- on statements and aging reports. This option allows you to
- let it default to what you want, but may also be changed.
- M. Country Setup
- This option will allow you select various date formats. It
- also allows for Canadian Providences and Zip Codes. If you
- select American it will use State. If you select Canadian
- it will use Providence and allow for a Canadian Zip Code.
- You may also select a date format which will display the
- date in the format displayed on the screen.
- N. DOS Functions
- 1. Format Floppy Disk
- This option will allow you to format a floppy disk. You can
- select either A or B drive only. If the disk you put in the
- drive contains any files, they will be lost!
- 2. Check Disk
- This option will run the DOS utility program CHKDSK. See
- your DOS manual for more information.
- 3. Rename File
- This option will allow you to rename a file. Enter the file
- name to rename in the File Name field. You can specify a
- path name along with the file name. Enter the new file name
- in the Rename To field. You can specify a path name along
- with the file name. If a file already exists with the name
- and path specified in the Rename To field, the file will not
- be renamed.
- 4. Copy File
- This option will allow you to copy a file. Enter the file
- name to copy in the File Name field. You can specify a path
- name along with the file name. Enter the name of the file
- to copy it to in the Copy To field. You can specify a path
- name along with the file name. If the file specified in the
- Copy To field already exists, it will be overwritten!
- 5. Delete File
- This option will delete a file. Enter in the file name to
- delete. You can specify a path name along with the file
- name. The file entered will then be deleted!
- 6. Move File
- This option will allow you to move a file. Enter the name
- of the file you want to move in the File Name field. You
- may specify a path name along with the file name. Enter the
- file name you want to move the file to in the Move To field.
- You may specify a path name along with the file name. If a
- file already exists with the path and name specified in the
- Move To field, it will be overwritten! If you try to move a
- file to the same file, the file will be deleted!
- 7. Backup to Floppy Disk
- This option will allow you backup files to a specified disk
- PAGE 63
- drive. Enter the parameters in the Backup Parameters field.
- The parameters work just like the DOS backup parameters.
- For more information see your DOS manual.
- 8. Restore from Floppy Disk
- This option will allow you restore files from a specified
- disk drive. Enter your parameters in the Restore Parameters
- field. The parameters work just like the DOS restore
- parameters. For more information see your DOS manual.
- 9. DOS Window
- This option will allow you to exit to DOS. To return to
- Painless Accounting type in 'EXIT'.
- 10. Tree Directory
- This option will display your directories in a tree like
- format. When you highlight a directory and press enter, the
- files in that directory will be displayed. If you highlight
- an ASCII file the text will be displayed on the screen.
- O. Configuration Setup
- This option will allow you to activate or deactivate certain
- parts of Painless Accounting and select some default
- options.
- Painless Accounting allows you to set the length of your
- product codes from 10 to 30 characters. The longer the
- product code gets, the smaller the description will be. The
- two lengths together have to equal 40 characters. You may
- also set the default on how you want your reports to be
- generated.
- You have the option of activating job costing to track all
- expenses for jobs to be performed. If you do not use hold
- invoices in the billing module you may turn it off, so it
- will not ask if the invoice is a hold invoice. If you do
- not care that you might get negative units on hand for your
- products, you can turn off the message that warns you of
- negative units. You can also specify if you want to enter
- in a ship to address in the billing module.
- When receiving a partial payment for an invoice you have the
- option to write off the remainder as a bad debt at that
- time. This can be turned off so it will not prompt you for
- this. If you have a slower computer you can turn off the
- exploding windows to speed up the processing. If you need
- to track commissions you have the ability to turn on the
- commission portion of Painless Accounting.
- You may also indicate if you want hold invoices to be
- included on the revenue journal, providing you have the hold
- invoice option activated. You can also specify to generate
- the GST tax on invoices.
- PAGE 64
- P. Run Program Setup
- This option allows you to setup other programs you have and
- be able to run them from within Painless Accounting by
- simply pressing two keys.
- You may enter a program name to remind you which program you
- are going to run. You must also specify the full path.
- This will include the drive and directory. You must also
- specify the name of the file that runs your other program
- and the memory requirements. You may leave the memory at 0
- to utilize all memory available. For example, to set
- Painless Payroll as the program to run when ALT+1 is
- pressed, you can enter PA Payroll as the program name.
- C:\PAP as the full path and PAP as the program command that
- runs the payroll program and leave the memory at zero to
- utilize all memory. Now at any time within Painless
- Accounting you can press ALT+1 to run Painless Payroll.
- Once you exit out of the Payroll package you will return to
- the point you left off at in Painless Accounting.
- To enter beginning balances for your accounts, clients,
- vendors, or products, simply press F10 from the main menu.
- Then select the beginning balances you need to enter. This
- will automatically update the balance and also offset the
- amount to an 'X' account in your chart of accounts. If the
- 'X' account does not exist one will be created
- automatically. Be careful to only setup beginning balances
- through this option so you will not end up with a balance in
- the 'X' account.
- 1. Accounts
- Select this option to enter beginning balances in your chart
- of accounts. All the chart of accounts will be displayed on
- the screen. Simply highlight the account and press enter
- and enter in the amount to add to the current balance. You
- should not enter beginning balances for Accounts Receivable,
- Accounts Payable, and Inventory through this option. These
- will be updated when beginning balances are enter for your
- clients, vendors, and products. Remember this will be
- offset to the 'X' account.
- 2. Clients
- Select this option to enter beginning balances for your
- clients. All the clients will be displayed on the screen.
- Simply highlight the client and press enter to enter in an
- invoice for the beginning balance. You will first enter an
- invoice number, date of the invoice, due date, description,
- and amount of the invoice. The amount of the invoice will
- be added to the current balance of the client. This amount
- will be added to the accounts receivable total. Remember
- this will also be offset to the 'X' ac count.
- 3. Vendors
- Select this option to enter beginning balances for your
- vendors. All the vendors will be displayed on the screen.
- Simply highlight the vendor and press enter to enter in an
- PAGE 65
- invoice for the beginning balance. You will first enter an
- invoice number, date of the invoice, due date, description,
- and amount of the invoice. The amount of the invoice will
- be added to the current balance of the vendor and will be
- added to the Accounts payable account. Remember this will
- also be offset to the 'X' account.
- 4. Products
- Select this option to enter beginning balances for your
- products. All the products will be displayed on the screen.
- Simply highlight the product and press enter to enter in
- units and dollars on hand. You will then enter the number
- of units to add to the current units on hand. The inventory
- account will be updated by the number of units added times
- the standard cost. Remember this will also be offset to the
- 'X' account.
- Place the disk label Installation Disk in Drive A. Type in
- 'A:CINSTALL'. This will start the installation process.
- Enter 'Y' to continue with the installation. You will then
- be prompted to enter in the drive and directory to install
- Painless Accounting. If you are unsure just press Enter.
- In order for Painless Accounting to function properly you
- must have 20 files and 16 buffers in your config.sys file.
- If you want your config.sys file to be updated answer 'Y'.
- If you answer 'N' you must update your config.sys file
- yourself.
- It will then begin to create your data files.
- You then have the option to use the sample chart of
- accounts. If you answer 'Y' it will ask for the
- installation disk, which should already be in Drive A. If
- you answer 'N' it will begin to index your files.
- It will then begin to create the help file.
- You will then be prompted to insert Disk #1 in Drive A. This
- will copy the program EXE file. If you are installing a
- second company the next steps will be skipped.
- When prompted insert Disk #2 in drive A and it will copy the
- program OVL file.
- If your config.sys file had to be updated, it will beep and
- then a screen will appear indicating that you must reboot
- the computer before using Painless Accounting. Press any
- key to continue and then reboot. To reboot, press the reset
- button or press CTRL ALT DELete simultaneously. You also have
- the option of printing the manual at this time.
- PAGE 66
- CONVERTING FROM 2.5, 3.0, 4.0 TO 5.0
- Place the disk label Installation Disk in Drive A. Type in
- 'A:CINSTALL'. This will start the installation process.
- Press F2 to convert your 2.5, 3.0, or 4.0 data files to 5.0.
- You will then be prompted to enter in the drive and
- directory to install Painless Accounting. If you are unsure
- just press Enter through each option.
- It will then prompt you to enter in the drive and directory
- in which your 2.5, 3.0, or 4.0 data files are located.
- It will then start creating the new data file structures and
- then begin converting the files. After the files are
- converted, it will begin reindexing.
- Once the reindexing is complete you will have to enter in
- the account numbers for your Products, Cost of Good Sold,
- Sales Tax, and Sales Tax Expense accounts. Freight Income
- and Freigth expense accounts will also need to be added.
- If these accounts are not on file you may add them at this
- time.
- The INVENTORY account will be updated when merchandise is
- received and the Received Purchase Orders are posted. It
- will also be updated when the billing is posted for products
- sold.
- The COST OF GOODS SOLD is the default account used when
- entering a product. If you have different departments the
- appropriate account will be updated when the billing module
- is posted.
- The SALES TAX account will keep track of all tax charged to
- the client when making out an invoice.
- The SALES TAX EXPENSE account will keep track of all tax you
- are charged when making a Purchase Order or Received
- Purchase Order.
- The Freight income tracks all freight charged on invoices and
- the freight expense tracks all freight you were charged by
- vendors. The help file will then be created for you.
- You will then be prompted to insert Disk #1 in Drive A. This
- will copy the program EXE file.
- When prompted insert Disk #2 in drive A and it will copy the
- program OVL file.
- PAGE 67